Nick Scott Fitness 360: Supplements

Nick Scott knows supplements won’t replace a solid diet, but he uses them to maximize his results. Check out his supplement regimen!

Nick Scott Fitness 360: Supplements

Strength and growth are just as important to your mentality as they are to your muscles. As bodybuilders continue to lift weights in pursuit of their goals, they supplement their diets to maximize their success. Nick Scott is no different. He augments his hardcore nutrition and training with a smart stack.

Nick Scott Fitness 360
Watch the video: 11:41

Supplement Stack


Multivitamin 1 serving w/ Meal 1

Whey Protein

Whey Protein 60 grams as Meal 1 (Pre-contest) / 60g as Meal 1 and 60g as Meal 6


BCAA 5g morning, 5g 45 minutes before workout, 5g post-workout, 5g night

CLA 1 serving morning, 1 serving afternoon, 1 serving night

Glutamine 5g morning, 5g 45 minutes before workout, 5g post-workout, 5g night

Creatine 5g after cardio, 5g middle of training, 5g after training, 5g before bed


ZMA 1 serving before bed

Beginner Tip

For a beginner, I would recommend a protein powder, a multivitamin, and some sort of pre-workout. That way you'll have a more intense workout and you'll feel better about yourself and you'll feel motivated.

Multivitamin Tip

You always want to take it with food, because it absorbs more efficiently in your system than just taking it by itself.

Nick Scott Fitness 360