Fitness 360: Brian Casad Supplement Program

This portion of Brian's plan can be freestyle. The only supp he takes daily is his multivitamin. He changes up his pre-workouts and buys from multiple companies.

Fitness 360: Brian Casad Supplement Program

Brian Casad doesn't use a lot of supplements. And even when he does, it can change from day to day or week to week. He keeps things basic, uses products from multiple companies, and just takes what he feels he needs.

The one supp that he does desire is a pre-workout. "You take that pre-workout and, hell, that gets you in the zone!" Brian says. "It gets you started, pumped up for your workout. Then it's 'go' time."

Brian Casad Fitness 360
Watch The Video - 10:21

Brian's Supplement Philosophy

From his perspective as a trainer, Brian suggests everyone speak with their personal physician before taking anything. For example, some supplements contain caffeine, which may increase your heart rate, which could be an issue with certain medical conditions.

He takes a multivitamin every day. Protein comes down his pipe after most workouts, either in shake or bar form. He even makes his own protein bars to ensure that the ingredient list is kept low. Some bars are jammed with added sugars or artificial sweeteners. He makes the bars for healthy snacks, and often includes dark chocolate.

"If you are worried about what you are putting into your bodies, get on the computer, look it up," Brian says. "You can easily find tons of stuff about it. Ask what it does for you. Or go talk to a nutritionist. They may have insights as well."

Brian's Sample Supplement Regimen

Supplement Stack

Brian Casad Fitness 360