Is NO2 The Real Deal?

As an author in the bodybuilding industry, I believe that my readers deserve more than a review that says simply 'I liked this product, so buy it.'

From time-to-time the bodybuilding world is brought to its knees by a supplement that changes the playing field forever. With the introduction of powdered creatine supplements in 1993, and the introduction of effective pro-hormones in the mid to late 1990's, bodybuilders finally began to make amazing size and strength gains, previously unknown without chemical assistance.

With a new century upon us, and with the supplement market being more profitable than in times previous, many persons and companies have seized the opportunity to make money in the supplement market. Often, these upstarts offer a slew of quick-to-market supplements, eschewing scientific research in favor of quick profit.

Sadly, many of these companies have a forum in the pages of contemporary bodybuilding literature. The reason for this is simple: the magazines are profit driven and an advertisement sold is money in the bank. The result of this relationship is that a company with virtually zero know-how or credentials has access to a massive advertising machine that reaches millions every month.

Often, these less reputable companies will produce a supplement and create a false sense of public enthusiasm and hype, via magazine propaganda. With products seldom undergoing independent testing and review, and with companies buying massive advertising space in magazines, it becomes clear that trying to determine if something really works or is really "revolutionary" is a terribly difficult task for the consumer to bear.

In situations like these it is of tremendous help to have someone with the know-how and the resources to get answers. It helps to have someone in your corner that has the time and motivation to ensure that YOU don't get ripped off or scammed when you go to buy a supplement. I am that person, and accordingly, this is where I step in to do the RIGHT thing for you, the reader and consumer.

In the publication Battle of the Bars! I made it clear that if a product is good I will say as much. I also demonstrated that if a product is poor I will "tell it like it is" and withhold nothing. I am unbiased in my reviews, and unafraid of the manufacturers whose products I test. If these manufacturers make effective products then they have nothing to fear and should, in fact, welcome an independent review. The manufacturers who want me to shut my mouth, by contrast, only want me to be quiet if they have something to hide, or if their product is a scam.

These fly-by-night supplement makers fear independent reviews, because once the word gets out, their days of stealing from consumers is over. I welcome the day when the consumer gets what he or she pays for, and in my view that day can not come to bodybuilding consumers soon enough. The bottom line is that I say what I mean, I mean what I say, and I say it with your best interest in mind. With that said, once and for all, here is a review of an N02 supplement!

Label Information:

Nitric Oxide, a key molecule manufactured by the body, causes vasodilation [an expansion of the internal diameter of blood vessels], which in turn leads to increased blood flow, oxygen transport, delivery of nutrients to skeletal muscle and a reduction in blood pressure. An amino acid compound called arginine alpha-ketoglutarate [A-AKG] and arginine-ketoisocaproate [A-KIC] can boost short term Nitric Oxide levels. Increased strength and markedly improved stamina can also be expected. In fact, the results may be classified into three categories: 1] the promotion of an extended pump; 2] signaling muscle growth and speeding recovery; 3] increasing strength and stamina. Furthermore, Pinnacle utilizes the exclusive A-DS Advanced delivery system in NoX2 which spikes absorption of the active compound to insure uptake and help sustain the powerful vasodilation effects of A-AKG and A-KIC around the clock.

Advanced delivery system [A-DS] optimizes [A-AKG] and [A-KIC] in the body. Through a bioactive process, Beta Cyclodextrin, Cephalins, Xanthum and Inulin are combined with NoX2 to form a unique blended complex, which acts as the "carrier" for the NoX2 "cargo" helping it to be effectively transported throughout the body and delivered directly into the bloodstream. This process also serves as an extended release mechanism, keeping target tissues saturated with more consistent levels of desired nutrients and extending benefits [over a 10 hour period] long after other supplements have been spent or wasted.

Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: 3 Tablets

Servings Per Container: 60

Amount Per Serving: Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (A-AKG)
Arginine-Ketoisocaproate 3000mg

Other Ingredients: Beta Cyclodextrin
Calcium Phosphate
Magnesium Stearate
Stearic Acid.

Recommended Use: Take 3 tablets twice daily - once in the morning on an empty stomach and 1/2 hour prior to lunch. To maximize results, drink at least 64 ounces of water daily while using NoX2.

Warning: Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing, or at risk or are being treated for high blood pressure, liver, thyroid or psychiatric disease, diabetes.

Testable Label Claims:

Vasodilation [an expansion of the internal diameter of blood vessels]
Increased blood flow to skeletal muscle
Increased oxygen transport to skeletal muscle
Increased delivery of nutrients to skeletal muscle
Reduction in blood pressure.
Increased strength and markedly improved stamina
Extended muscular pump
Signaling muscle growth and speeding recovery
Target tissues saturated with more consistent levels of desired nutrients and extending benefits [over a 10 hour period]


At the beginning of this product test, several questions were outstanding in my mind. They were:

      1. Would this supplement prove effective at eliciting gains in lean body mass?

      2. Would this supplement prove effective for bodybuilders from across the bodybuilding spectrum?

      3. Would the supplement prove equally effective for all bodybuilders in the test group?

      4. If the supplement proved effective to what degree?

      5. Would the supplement have negative effects?

      6. Would the supplement have positive effects?

    7. Would the supplement have side-effects resulting from use?

For this test "effective" will be measured as the supplements ability under real-world conditions to meet the testable label claims above. The degree to which the supplement meets the testable label claims is the degree to which the supplement will be deemed effective.

Test Groups

Group 1:

The first group consisted of three individuals. Careful attention was given to select a beginning bodybuilder, an intermediate bodybuilder and an advanced bodybuilder. This biased selection was necessary in order to test whether this supplement would be appropriate for bodybuilders from across the spectrum and to determine if the supplement would provide each test subject with similar results.

All test group subjects did not take any other supplements during the testing period. Group one subjects were administered the Pinnacle N02x supplement according to label direction for a period of thirty days.

Group 2:

The second group consisted of three individuals. Careful attention was given to select a beginning bodybuilder, an intermediate bodybuilder and an advanced bodybuilder. This biased selection was necessary in order to make the composition of the placebo group similar to that of the test group. All placebo group subjects did not take any other supplements during the testing period. Group two subjects were administered gelatinous caplets containing dextrose powder twice daily for thirty days.

Each subject was given medical clearance from a physician before supplement testing, and no subjects had known pre-existing health complications that would prevent participation in the product test or potentially interfere with the results of the test.

It should be noted, however, that this is NOT in meant to be a strict scientific study, as the term science is meant. This is a real-world experiment, and within the limits of reason [and outside of the laboratory setting] each of the subjects followed a similar workout and dietary regimen. The variables present in a real-world setting are too numerous to control in their totality, and even the best designed and controlled University studies are unable, outside of the laboratory setting, to control all possible variables present in a particular setting or environment. Therefore each subject controlled the variables that were possible to control [diet, exercise regimen, sleep levels, time of day of exercise, water intake, etc].

The rationale for having two groups in the product test [when only one was administered the test substance] is that, when attempting to reach a conclusion regarding one variable [in this case the supplement], the same variable present in two subject groups can not be used to explain differences in the results between them. If all other controllable factors are equalized, it can be reasoned with certainty that the DIFFERENCE between the groups is responsible for the difference in results observed between groups.

The two groups were biased in that they were composed of males only, each between the ages of 21-25.

Test Group # 1

Subject 1 Profile:

Sex: Male
Age: 21
Level: Beginner
Body mass before test: 165 lbs
Body mass after test: 172 lbs
Bodyfat percentage before test: 10 percent
Bodyfat percentage after test: 10 percent
Lean mass before test: 148 lbs
Lean mass after test: 155 lbs
Gain / Loss [+ / -]: 7 lbs


This subject was sedentary until two months prior to testing. Having began bodybuilding two months prior to testing, his workout regimen was geared toward mass-building and strength gaining.

The positive effects of this supplement on this subject were a noted increase in libido and a feeling of fuller, pumped muscles. The subject did not report experiencing any other positive effects of supplementation.

The subject reported experiencing negative effects in the form of hot flashes, an increase in blood pressure, fatigue, and little to no strength increases.

While on the supplement the subject gained 7 lbs of lean mass. This result is significant.

Despite these gains, the subject stated under questioning that he would not purchase this product due to its cost.

Photographs were not provided by this subject.

Subject 2 Profile:

Sex: Male
Age: 22
Level: Intermediate
Body mass before test: 172 lbs
Body mass after test: 178 lbs
Bodyfat percentage before test: 11 percent
Bodyfat percentage after test: 11 percent
Lean mass before test: 153 lbs
Lean mass after test: 161 lbs
Gain / Loss [+ / -]: 8 lbs


This subject was physically active on a consistent and continual basis prior to testing. Having began bodybuilding two years prior to testing, his workout regimen was geared toward mass-building and strength gaining.

The positive effects of this supplement on this subject were a noted increase in libido. The subject reported increased erectile strength, increased ejaculatory strength and a marked increase in seminal fluid ejaculate volume. The subject also reported a significant increase in appetite, a reduction of bodyfat levels and feelings of well-being, and he remarked that his muscles felt and appeared to be "fuller" due to the presence of a "good pump."

The subject reported experiencing negative effects in the form of hot flashes, an increase in blood pressure, diarrhea, fatigue, and little to no strength increases.

While on the supplement the subject gained 8 lbs of lean mass. This result is significant.

Despite these gains, the subject stated under questioning that he would not purchase this product due to its cost. The subject did not feel that this supplement would be a worthwhile purchase.

This subject provided before and after photographs. The photographs on the left are before the test, and the photographs on the right are after the test. These photographs are used in this review with permission of this test subject.

Subject 3 Profile:

Sex: Male
Age: 22
Level: Advanced
Body mass before test: 230 lbs
Body mass after test: 230 lbs
Bodyfat percentage before test: 12 percent
Bodyfat percentage after test: 12 percent
Lean mass prior to test: 205 lbs
Lean mass after test: 205 lbs
Gain / Loss [+ / -]: --


This subject was physically active on a consistent and continual basis prior to testing. Having started bodybuilding five years prior to testing, his workout regimen was geared toward mass-building and strength gaining.

The positive effects of this supplement on this subject were a noted increase in libido. The subject reported increased erectile strength, increased ejaculatory strength and a marked increase in seminal fluid ejaculate volume.

This subject was on the supplement for five days. On the fifth day he experienced severe gastric cramping, flatulence, diarrhea, fatigue and cold sweats. Resulting from these complications the subject discontinued use of the supplement and was withdrawn from the subject testing pool.

The symptoms displayed by this test subject are consistent with arginine overdose. This diagnosis was not medically confirmed or determined, however.

Consequently, a determination on the effectiveness of this supplement at eliciting gains in lean body mass for this subject was not made.

The subject reported no further interest in Nitric Oxide supplements, and indicated that he would not purchase them, due to an apparent inability to physically tolerate them.

Photographs were not provided by this subject.

Test Group # 2

Subject 1 Profile:

Sex: Male
Age: 25
Level: Beginner
Body mass before test: 153 lbs
Body mass after test: 154 lbs
Bodyfat percentage before test: 12 percent
Bodyfat percentage after test: 12 percent
Lean mass prior to test: 135 lbs
Lean mass after test: 136 lbs
Gain / Loss [+ / -]: 1 lbs


This subject was physically active for seven months prior to participating in this test.

Predictably the dextrose supplementation had no impact, save psychological, on the subject.

The small fluctuation in lean bodyweight can not be attributed to anything but normal weight fluctuation or the suggestibility of being on a supplement. Perhaps when the subject thought he was on a supplement, he worked harder. Or, perhaps, the increase in bodyweight is attributable to water retention.

Photographs were not provided by this subject.

Subject 2 Profile:

Sex: Male
Age: 22
Level: Intermediate
Body mass before test: 170 lbs
Body mass after test: 172 lbs
Bodyfat percentage before test: 14 percent
Bodyfat percentage after test: 14 percent
Lean mass before test: 146 lbs
Lean mass after test: 148 lbs
Gain / Loss [+ / -]: 2 lbs


This subject was physically active for two and a half years prior to participating in this test.

Predictably the dextrose supplementation had no impact, save psychological, on the subject.

The small fluctuation in lean bodyweight can not be attributed to anything but normal weight fluctuation or the suggestibility of being on a supplement. Perhaps when the subject thought he was on a supplement, he worked harder. Or, perhaps, the increase in bodyweight is attributable to water retention.

Photographs were not provided by this subject.

Subject 3 Profile:

Sex: Male
Age: 24
Level: Advanced
Body mass before test: 240 lbs
Body mass after test: 245 lbs
Bodyfat percentage before test: 17 percent
Bodyfat percentage after test: 17 percent
Lean mass before test: 200 lbs
Lean mass after test: 205 lbs
Gain / Loss [+ / -]: 5 lbs


This subject was physically active for six years prior to participating in this test.

Predictably the dextrose supplementation had no impact, save psychological, on the subject.

The moderate gains in lean bodyweight can not be attributed to anything but normal weight fluctuation or the suggestibility of being on a supplement. Perhaps when the subject thought he was on a supplement, he worked harder. Or, perhaps, the increase in bodyweight is attributable to water retention. With this subject, however, an increase in water retention was not noticed.

Photographs were not provided by this subject.

Test Conclusions:

From the results of the test, it is obvious that the test group made considerable gains in lean body mass compared to the group that received the placebo. Each bodybuilder in the test group [with the exception being test subject number three] made gains from the supplement, and the gains were roughly equal for each bodybuilder.

Test subjects reported a difference in vasodilation, increased blood flow to skeletal muscles, increased oxygen transport resulting in quicker recovery following strenuous exercise, and reported better pumps resulting from exercise. All three test group subjects indicated a pronounced increase in libido.

None of the test subjects demonstrated increases in strength or stamina, and test subject two indicated an increase in blood pressure. Some of the subjects experienced hot flashes, spontaneous sweating, diarrhea and fatigue.

Of the nine testable label claims outlined above, this nitric oxide supplement satisfied seven. Although not directly testable, the dosing procedure allows for the supplement to be digested over a ten hour period of time, thus satisfying the last label claim.

Therefore, the supplement, in this test, proved to be successful in two persons by satisfying 77% of its stated label claims.


This test was as controlled as needed to determine what effect, if any, NO2 supplementation would have on bodybuilders from all stages in the spectrum of experience. As mentioned, this is not a university experiment, but a test FOR bodybuilders, BY a bodybuilder. In fact, it is entirely possible to make a study so complex that the average bodybuilder would derive nothing of benefit from it. What we care about, as athletes, is the bottom line - ie. DOES SOMETHING WORK AS CLAIMED? Therefore, the aim of this review was to control as much variance as practicable and within the confines of reasonability, while not losing site of the bottom line answer we were seeking.

The obvious conclusion reached is that nitric oxide supplementation does prove effective for eliciting gains in lean body mass. I am quite aware that some will be able to find flaws in the review and will ask questions beginning with "well, what about..." To them I reply: Well, what about the "what about" questions? To those who would say the test was biased for a number of reasons, I ask: SO WHAT?

Bodybuilding is about RESULTS. If one is creative enough an analysis can continue on an issue forever. Hypothetical analysis is fruitless once a question regarding the purpose of a supplements existence has been answered. This test answered that question.

My hope is that you found this review more controlled than others, and that this review has instilled in you more confidence than other product reviews that are nothing more than personal testimonials as to a products efficacy.

As an author in the bodybuilding industry, I believe that my readers deserve more than a review that says simply, "I liked this product, so buy it." It is not enough for a person to "like" a product; liking does not make the product a worthwhile purchase. Test results determine the worth of a product.

It is my hope that this test and review has spoken to your INTELLIGENCE, and has displaced magazine hype and propaganda, in favor of concrete, reasonably determined findings.


The information provided in this publication is for educational and informational purposes only and does not serve as a replacement to care provided by your own personal health care team or physician. The author does not render or provide medical advice, and no individual should make any medical decisions or change their health behavior based on information provided here. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources. Readers and consumers should review the information in this publication carefully with their professional health care provider. The information in this or other publications authored by the writer is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians. Reliance on any information provided by the author is solely at your own risk. The author does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, medication, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be presented in the publication. The author does not control information, advertisements, content, and articles provided by discussed third-party information suppliers. Further, the author does not warrant or guarantee that the information contained in written publications, from him or any source is accurate or error-free. The author accepts no responsibility for materials contained in the publication that you may find offensive. You are solely responsible for viewing and/or using the material contained in the authored publications in compliance with the laws of your country of residence, and your personal conscience. The author will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising from the use of information contained in this or other publications.

Copyright © Clayton South, 2003 All rights reserved.

Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright holder and author of this publication.