Ashley knew she had to change everything to make something new of her self. She gets most of her nutrients from whole foods, but a few timely supplements helped her balance her approach and accomplish her fitness goals.
Ashley's Supplement Philosophy
"It's my personal philosophy to keep my nutrition and supplementation as simple as possible. I stick to lean protein and vegetables at every meal, ensuring I get enough BCAAs, vitamins and minerals to support my body's needs.
"Sometimes pushing out those last five reps - which is where the muscle really grows - is really hard to do without a preworkout. Jack3d preworkout gives me the intensity I need, or may be lacking from a hard day's work, and gets me to finish those 5 reps.
"If I'm trying to build more muscle, I supplement with Optimum Nutrition chocolate whey protein powder. I take casein before bed, giving my muscles what they need overnight. I add BCAAs to replenish and refuel my muscles."
Fish Oil
2 caps (with breakfast)
Vitamin D3
1000IU (with breakfast)
Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey
1 scoop (I take whey if trying to gain; cycled off after transformation)
1 serving (Post workout; for recovery)
Optimum Nutrition Casein
1 scoop (Taken before bed)