Mark Bell


I used to be known as JackAss from my days at, or Smelly from the feature film documentary "Bigger, Stronger, Faster." I am now the strongest strength coach in the world (maybe someone can dispute this fact, but I don't know who). I'm a husband, a father of two, an editor for Power Magazine (, an inventor of the Sling Shot ( and the owner of "The Strongest Gym In The West," Super Training, in Sacramento, CA. It was voted by Men's Health as one of the top 30 gyms in the country. I coach a team of 20 highly competitive powerlifters. We work hard, but we have tons of fun. The fun and intensity of the gym can be seen on our website, www.SuperTraining.Tv. I have also established the wildly popular "Power Project Q and A," which now has over 2 million views. You can check that out at

I am a World and American record holding pro powerlifter. I've squatted 1,080 lbs, benched 854 lbs, and deadlifted 766 lbs. My 2,628 lb total is the highest in California history. I'm currently ranked in the top 10 of all-time at 275 and 308.

About 2 years ago, I invented a product called the Sling Shot. The Sling Shot is being billed as the greatest invention since the lifting belt. The Sling Shot is a supportive upper body device that eliminates pain in the shoulders and elbows while bench pressing and doing pushups. It's not just for powerlifters. It will help anybody who's looking to improve size and strength. Purchase your Sling Shot at

My wife and I also own and operate the nationally distributed POWER Magazine. POWER showcases strength athletes as the most powerful people on Earth. Because strength is such a key element of sport and life, the articles can benefit anyone. The articles are easy to understand and apply. For more info on POWER visit

Lately, I've been working with the CrossFit organization. I've written articles for CrossFit Journal, and I am officially a Crossfit Powerlifting Coach. On behalf of Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell, I run specialty certification courses for the CrossFit community. Signups are handled at under specialty certs.

In lifting, coaching, business, and life in general, I'm always looking to improve myself and help others improve, too. I have a simple mindset that goes: "If you're not getting better, then you're getting worse. Never be caught standing still. Always remember: Strength is a key element of life. When your strength runs out, you die!"

