Nikia Dyson's Complete Workout Program

Instead of looking at training as another daily task, I look at it as a new challenge and opportunity to push myself harder each day.

Nikia Dyson's Complete Workout Program

Instead of looking at training as another daily task, I look at it as a new challenge and opportunity to push myself harder each day. Although training is intense, there is a sense of peace that comes with working out, and it has helped me to become more disciplined.

When I get in the gym I focus on training hard and executing each move to the best of my ability without underestimating myself. I need to train smart with intensity and push myself as hard as I can each day, because once it's done there is no "should have, could have, would have."

When I walk through those doors, I will leave knowing I gave my all and that it was my best!

Nikia Dyson's Fitness Program

Watch The Video - 11:02

Nikia Dyson's Training Program:

My workout was designed for me by my online trainer, Steve Poynter ( or Stevep78 on BodySpace).

Every two weeks the order of the exercises in my workout was rotated to keep my body from hitting a plateau or reaching a comfort zone.

Day 1: Back/Calves

Day 2: Chest/Abs/Cardio

Day 3: Legs/Cardio

Day 4: Calves/Abs/Cardio

  • Seated Calf Raise Seated Calf Raise

    Seated Calf Raise

    3 sets of 20 reps
  • Abs Abs


    I used bodyweight moves and performed a variety of ab exercises in a circuit style method. I repeated the circuit three times
  • Jogging-Treadmill Jogging-Treadmill


    35 min HIIT

Day 5: Shoulders/Abs

Day 6: Biceps/Triceps/Cardio




Day 7: Rest

Note on Cardio: Toward the end of my 12 weeks, to assist with bringing down my body fat percentage, I added a few additional Low Impact Cardio sessions throughout the week.

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