Dining At DQ Won't Just Hit Your Wallet: The Good, Bad, & Ugly!

When you first hear the words 'Dairy Queen', otherwise known as DQ, the first thought that might come to mind is ice cream. Let's have a closer look at their menu so that you can dine smart next time you're at DQ. Learn more.

Article Summary:
  • Breakfast at Dairy Queen won't necessarily be a wise descision.
  • Looking for chicken? Try the wraps before the sandwiches.
  • If you must have a frozen treat, try the DQ Fudge Bar with no sugar.
  • When you first hear the words 'Dairy Queen', otherwise known as DQ, the first thought that might come to mind is ice cream. This restaurant has been primarily known by most individuals for their wide selection of frozen desserts which include everything from ice cream cakes, ice cream pies, ice cream sundaes, milkshakes, cones, and the famous, DQ 'Blizzard'.

    When Most People Think Of Dairy Queen, They Think Of Ice Cream.
    + Click To Enlarge.
    When Most People Think Of Dairy
    Queen, They Think Of Ice Cream.

    That's not all you'll find at DQ however. There is a full menu selection that you can choose from when you visit this fast food restaurant, but you should be warned to choose very, very carefully. Unless you have the specific 'healthy' meals picked out before going in, it's very unlikely that you're going to do your fat loss diet justice in this restaurant.

    Let's have a closer look at their menu so that you can dine smart next time you're at DQ.


    You're going to be hard pressed to find something healthy for breakfast at DQ as most of their menu items contain far more fat then you should be having in a day, not to mention calories that will really put a dent in your daily diet.

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    The Secrets Of A Mr. Olympia Breakfast!
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    Lee Labrada

    The Good

      The 'best' bet (even though it's still not all that great) will be a Pancake Platter with Ham. It contains the fewest calories off the menu at 380 and only has 8 grams of fat, 59 grams of carbs, and 18 grams of protein. It's definitely higher in carbohydrates so for anyone following a low carb diet, it will be problematic.

    Item Calories Fats Carbs Protein
    Pancake Platter With Ham 380 8 59 18

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    The Bad

      The next option that wouldn't be considered 'diet-friendly' by any means but isn't going to be all that incredibly damaging is the Ham Biscuit Sandwich. This one will contain 460 calories, 28 grams of fat, 38 grams of carbs, and 16 grams of protein. It's far more fat than you need to be eating at breakfast but it still does contain some protein so from that aspect it's not overly bad.

    Item Calories Fats Carbs Protein
    Ham Biscuit Sandwich 460 28 38 16

    The Ugly

      Finally you have the 'ugly'. The Country Platter with Sausage is the absolute worst thing you could eat when you order breakfast at DQ, as it comes in with 1360 calories, 91 grams of fat, 95 grams of carbs and 36 grams of protein. No one needs this many calories to start off their day so just stay away from any of the Platter dishes on their menu.

    Item Calories Fats Carbs Protein
    Country Platter with Sausage 1360 91 95 36

    Burgers and Sandwiches

    If you're in the mood for a burger or sandwich at DQ, tread lightly. There are a few options that will be less bad than others.

    If You're In The Mood For A Burger Or Sandwich At DQ, Tread Lightly.
    + Click To Enlarge.
    If You're In The Mood For A Burger
    Or Sandwich At DQ, Tread Lightly.

    The Good

      The best bet to have will be a Grilled Chicken Wrap, which contains 200 calories, 12 grams of fat, only 9 grams of carbs, and 12 grams of protein. This works great to tide you over when you're hungry until you can get somewhere and prepare something that is more nutritionally sound.

      If you're really in the mood for a burger, then you're best choosing the original hamburger which contains 350 calories, 14 grams of fat, 33 grams of carbs, and 17 grams of protein. It's not great, but it's not going to completely break your diet either.

    Item Calories Fats Carbs Protein
    Original Hamburger 350 14 33 17
    Grilled Chicken Wrap 200 12 9 12

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    The Bad

      The Crispy Flame Thrower Chicken Wrap isn't overly high in calories, but does contain a bit of fat so you'll want to choose wisely for the rest of the day if you're going to eat this one. It contains 310 calories, 19 grams of fat, 17 grams of carbs, and 8 grams of protein.

      On the burger side of things, the Classic Grilled Burger isn't something that you want to make a regular part of your diet, but if you're choosing burgers, it's one that's not as bad as the others. It contains 470 calories, 21 grams of fat, 42 grams of carbs, and 24 grams of protein.

    Item Calories Fats Carbs Protein
    Crispy Flame Thrower Chicken Wrap 310 19 17 8
    Classic Grilled Burger 470 21 42 24

    The Ugly

      On the ugly side of things, try your best to stay away from the 1/2 pound Flame Thrower Grillburger as it contains 1060 calories, 75 grams of fat, 165 grams of carbs, and 54 grams of protein. This is a hard one to work into the diet regardless of your calorie needs, so you're best avoiding it.

      With chicken, avoid the Crispy Chicken Flame Thrower Chicken Sandwich, which wracks up to 860 calories, 55 grams of fat, 51 grams of carbs, and 30 grams of protein.

      Again, this is far too much to take in for a single sandwich, so you're better off without.

    Item Calories Fats Carbs Protein
    1/2 lb Flame Thrower Grill Burger 1060 75 165 54
    Crispy Chicken Flame Thrower Chicken Sandwich 860 55 51 30

    Dairy Queen... Oh My God...
    [ Click To Join The Thread. ]
    Dairy Queen... Oh My God...
    So, a few weeks back I had a large Cookie Dough Blizzard, as an apparently extreme cheat meal. I've been wondering what the nutritional info is, and I just found it on their website...
    Started By:

    Hot Dogs and Baskets

    When it comes to the hot dogs and basket menu items at DQ, this is another one you'll just want to stay away from, period.

    All of the baskets are above 900 calories and while the hot dogs are lower in calories, they are just too high in fat and not full of quality nutrients that will promote good health.

    To give you an example of the nutritional devastation these items provide, the Chicken Strip Basket (6 pieces) contains 1640 calories, 74 grams of fat, 121 grams of carbs, and 54 grams of protein. Likewise, the All Beef Chilli Cheese Foot-Long contains 840 calories, 54 grams of fat, 52 grams of carbs, and 37 grams of protein.

    If you must choose a hot dog, the regular All-Beef contains only 250 calories, but still provides 14 grams of fat and only 9 grams of protein - not a very nutritionally smart decision.

    Item Calories Fats Carbs Protein
    All-Beef Hot Dog 250 14 21 9
    All Beef Chilli Cheese Foot-long 840 54 52 37
    Chicken Strip Basket - 6 Piece 1640 74 121 54

    If You Must Choose A Hot Dog, Go With The Regular All-Beef.
    + Click To Enlarge.
    If You Must Choose A Hot Dog,
    Go With The Regular All-Beef.

    Blizzards and Shakes

    Blizzards and Milkshakes are what DQ is known for but these should definitely be saved for occasion and when eaten, always choose the small size.

    Which Of The DQ Blizzard Flavors Is Your Favorite?

    Cookie Dough.
    Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.
    Strawberry CheeseQuake.
    Chocolate Xtreme.
    Banana Cream Pie.

    While the exact nutritional information will vary slightly depending on the flavour you choose, with Cookie Dough, Turtle Pecan Cluster, and Peanut Butter Butterfinger Blizzard flavours being the highest, you're looking at between 500-600 on average for a small size, 700-900 for the medium size, and 900-1500 calories for the large size. You will see very similar calorie ranges for the shakes and malts as well.

    Your best bet - get a small and share it with a friend. Then you're looking at a reasonable calorie treat that can be worked into your day on occasion.

    Item Calories Fats Carbs Protein
    Cookie Dough Blizzard (Small) 710 27 103 13
    Cookie Dough Blizzard (Medium) 1010 40 148 18
    Cookie Dough Blizzard (Large) 1300 51 189 22

    Banana Split

    If you're a banana split fan, you'd better eat this one on occasion as well and be prepared to cut back on your diet in other areas as well. It comes in at 520 calories, 13 grams of fat, 94 grams of carbs, and 9 grams of protein.

    Item Calories Fats Carbs Protein
    Banana Split 520 13 94 9

    Other Desserts

    If neither of the above desserts are what you're looking for, you have a number of other options including sundaes, cones, waffle cones, and novelty bars.

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    The Good

      Your best bet as far as dessert at DQ is concerned is a DQ Fudge Bar with no sugar added. This one comes in at only 50 calories and will hardly put a dent in your day. The Small Vanilla cone also is a good pick at only 230 calories and 7 grams of fat. If you want a sundae, again go with the small size in any flavour and you're only looking at between 230 and 300 calories.

    Item Calories Fats Carbs Protein
    DQ Fudge Bar - No Sugar 50 0 13 4
    Small Vanilla Cone 230 7 31 6

    If You Want A Sundae, Go With The Small Size.
    + Click To Enlarge.
    If You Want A Sundae,
    Go With The Small Size.

    The Bad

      When it comes to novelty bars, one that isn't great, but isn't overly horrible either is the DQ Chocolate Dilly Bar. It will have 240 calories, 15 grams of fat, 24 grams of carbs and 4 grams of protein.

      If you're really craving a dipped cone, the small butterscotch dipped contain will have 340 calories and 16 grams of fat, so again it's not really the best option, but doesn't surpass the 500 calorie mark.

    Item Calories Fats Carbs Protein
    DQ Chocolate Dilly Bar 240 15 24 4
    Butterscotch Dipped Cone 340 16 35 6

    The Ugly

      If you instead decide to order a waffle cone, be prepared for considerably more calories. The Turtle Waffle Bowl Sundae for example will provide you with 810 calories, 34 grams of fat, 76 grams of carbs, and 12 grams of protein.

      A large sized cherry dip cone can also get quite high in calories coming in at 670 with 32 grams of fat. Be wary about ordering these items.

    Item Calories Fats Carbs Protein
    Turtle Waffle Bowl Sundae 810 34 116 12
    Cherry Dip Cone (Large) 670 32 83 12

    Best Thing To Get At Dairy Queen?
    [ Click To Join The Thread. ]
    Best Thing To Get At Dairy Queen?
    I need some new ideas - I tried the Oreo blizzard, banana split, hawaiian blizzard. What else is good that you wouldn't think of?
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    So be sure you're keeping these points in mind as you head to DQ. In terms of overall nutritious selections, it fairs not as good as some of the other fast food establishments out there. If you're in the mood for ice cream, DQ is probably the place to go, but otherwise, you may want to consider other options.

      Check Out Dariy Queen's Complete Nutritional Details Here.