Young Versus Old:
Tailoring Supplement Use To Your Age.
You are 22 years old at the top of your game. Career is off to a good start. That college degree is on your wall. When you go to the gym, you are an animal and each week your body changes.
You then come home to your hot 21 year old, live-in girlfriend and have the libido of a man who has been incarcerated for two years... everyday. You are able to sleep well, and you are able to wake up. Your stamina in the gym is amazing and your abs are defined.
Fast forward 15 years. Stuff is happening. No longer can you get away with that weekly poker-night pizza without seeing it the next day. You come home from your job, which is now more stressful since you are the floor manager, and instead of ravaging your now wife to the sweet sounds of Barry White and Luther Vandross, and even Metallica if you are feeling freaky, you just sit down, watch television, and then want to go to sleep.
When you go to the gym, you lack the drive that you once had. While you get results, they come slower. Your abs are still there, but keeping them is a struggle. You can no longer attend beer bong parties and have abs.
In 15 years, what the h#ll happened?!?
When you age, your body does some funky things. Hormone levels such as testosterone start to decline. Your responsibilities also can go up significantly with the potential addition of children and a wife, both of which are a handful on their own!
With the addition of these added duties, you incur more stress. What can stress do? We will let Scivation Director of Research and Development, Chuck Rudolph MEd, RD chime in.
The Effect Of Stress
Food Cravings, Lack of Energy, and Frequent illness: Can it be related to stress? Can it be the reason I gain weight?
Chuck Rudolph, MEd, RD
Stress has become an everyday word in our society. How many times have you said or heard "Boy, what a stressful day I had," or "I have been so stressed out lately." How often do you shovel a sandwich down your mouth while typing an e-mail or finishing a report. Then 15 minutes later feel bloated, stuffed and tired?
The term "stress" describes any alteration or interruption in your life. It can be physical, emotional or psychological. Many of us recognize stress as a negative feeling such as meeting a deadline for work, financial concerns, relationships, children, and the list goes on and on. Anxiety, the unknown, fear, frustration, anger, and tension are the feelings we most often associate with stress.
The fact is; stress can also be experienced from a positive stimulus such as getting married, buying your first car or first house, or witnessing your child graduate from high school. Your body undergoes stress even when it responds to an illness!
What we do not realize is that repetitive tension and stress increases a neurochemical response that clinically has shown to lead to overeating and weight gain. When your body responds to a stressful stimulus, it goes through many neurochemical, behavioral and immunological changes. These changes are out of your control. The goal is to bring your body back to a state of calm.
It all starts with our brain. When we feel stress, the brain stimulates the pituitary gland to release a hormone called AdrenoCorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) which then signals your adrenal glands (located near your kidneys) to release various hormones, mainly adrenaline and cortisol.
Adrenaline makes you feel alert, increasing heart rate and blood pressure. Adrenaline will also increase your metabolism, breaking down fats, carbohydrates and proteins for energy to get the body back to a balanced, happy state.
While doing this, your body depletes itself of energy stores and essential vitamins and minerals. The other hormone released is cortisol. Cortisol is utilized to breakdown stored energy as well as muscle tissue.
Cortisol also stimulates insulin, which leads to blood sugar dips and fat storage. It's a vicious cycle that feeds on itself, over and over until the stress is calmed.
Now that we know cortisol breaks down stored energy to increase blood glucose which then stimulates insulin secretion, we now can understand why stress will cause food cravings, lethargy, irritability as well as weight gain. The cascade of events may appear as follows:
Stress & It's Cascade Of Events
1. Stress Response - Finances are tight and your bills are due. You have a report due the next day and you have to miss your son's first pop-warner football game. The stressful feeling makes you feel fear, anxiety, sweaty palms, etc.
2. Hormone Action - Neurochemical reactions cause adrenaline and cortisol to be released - rise in blood pressure, heart rate, alertness.
3. Action In The Body - Breakdown of stored energy (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) increases blood glucose levels (which in turn spike an insulin rise) utilizing all blood sugar for protection leaving you in a low blood glucose state.
4. Low Blood Glucose - One of the first signs of low blood glucose is a craving for sweets and carbohydrates. When the blood sugar levels fall below normal, symptoms such as nervousness, irritability, fatigue, nausea, depression, disturbed vision, and headaches appear.
5. Excessive Intake Of Sweets And Refined Carbohydrates - The typical human response now is to consume excessive amounts of sweets and refined carbohydrates to feel better and get blood glucose back to normal.
The problem here is the excessive intake which now increases blood glucose too high and spikes another insulin response. This insulin response is so drastic that the body stores body fat (from the excessive caloric intake) and then puts the body back into a low blood glucose state.
6. Weight Gain, Body Fat Storage - Over the long haul, this pattern of excessive sugar and refined carbohydrate intake causes the pancreas to go into overdrive.
With each intake, the pancreas floods the body with insulin, which makes blood-sugar level drop dramatically back to a low blood glucose state and the viscous cycle continues. The increase in excessive insulin is a major culprit to weight gain and fat storage.
WOAH, along with the body's natural decline in hormones as we age, we also have this crap to worry about?! Increased cravings that will raise insulin and make us gain fat? As they say on the message boards, "OH NOEZ!" This is not good!
Well, we have come together to help formulate supplement recommendations for both the young and the old to help get the best results possible.
Regardless of age, the addition of these supplements just might be what the good doctor ordered to help you realize your full potential in the gym, in the workplace, and in the bedroom when you reclaim your title of "The Wild Baloney Poney".
So read on and we will show you how to get the most out of your supplementation, regardless, even if your demographic age group is with Hannah Montana or Cher. Rock and Roll and let's get results!
The Core
"What are your top supplements?"
We get asked this more frequently than Pacman Jones gets thrown in jail. In other words, we get asked... a LOT. Here is your base.
Our base addresses the following:
- Daily Nutrition
- Healthy Fats
- Workout Nutrition
- Whey Protein
Without further ado, here is the list of must-haves on ANY program. This includes bulking, cutting, and even just maintaining and staying lean & sexy!
1. Multivitamin
We recommend a multivitamin no matter what your diet is like just for insurance. It is there just in case your diet that day lacks in one area or another. You do not have to get too fancy with this. A simple one-a-day vitamin will do the trick. One per day is all you need!
2. Fish Oil
The most important Essential Fatty Acids are Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), an omega-3 PUFA with 20 carbons and 5 double bonds synthesized from linolenic acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), an omega-3 PUFA with 22 carbons and 6 double bonds synthesized from linolenic acid.
They are the nutrients responsible for cell flexibility, nerve communications, mood support, and even body fat reduction. Take 3-6 capsules per day. If it is a standard 180 EPA/120 DHA mix, take six. If it is a higher concentration, three is sufficient. Take all at once or spread throughout the day, it will not matter.
3. Workout Nutrition
If you can afford only one supplement other than a multivitamin and fish oil, a good BCAA product is what you should choose. In the Supplement Hierarchy of Needs, we recommend workout nutrition first and foremost. In fact, we think that this is one of the reasons that our diets work so well and so consistently for just about everyone who uses them.
We have made workout nutrition a thoughtless endeavor. Imagine if you could fuel your muscles DURING your workout to encourage lean muscle growth and endless energy with enhanced recovery.
We have formulated a great BCAA supplemtn to increase protein synthesis, recovery, and performance using a precise blend Branched-Chain-Amino Acids (BCAA), L-Glutamine, and Citrulline Malate. BCAAs are a must have for workout nutrition. In summary, the metabolic roles of the BCAA Include:
? Substrate for energy production ? Substrate for protein synthesis ? Precursor for the formation of other amino acids o Primarily Alanine and Glutamine ? Metabolic signals (Primarily Leucine) o Stimulates protein synthesis through insulin secretion/activation of the PI3K pathway o Stimulates protein synthesis through activation of mTOR o Stimulates leptin expression in adipocytes through activation of mTOR
Our great BCAA product was formulated to give the body what it needs during exercise. As you exercise, the body increases the demand for various nutrients and if the body is not fed those nutrients, it must obtain them from other sources (i.e. breakdown of skeletal muscle to obtain amino acids).
Both BCAA and Glutamine oxidation/demand is increased during exercise. In order to meet this increased demand for BCAA and Glutamine, the body breaks down muscle protein.
The goal of weight training is to increase protein synthesis. In order to gain muscle mass, protein turnover (protein turnover = protein synthesis - protein breakdown) must be positive.
An increase in protein synthesis from weight training can lead to an increase in muscle mass. If we are increasing protein breakdown during training, we are decreasing the training session's overall anabolic effect and limiting muscle growth.
BCAA supplementation has been shown to not only increase protein synthesis, but also to decrease protein breakdown. By supplementing with a great BCAA product during your workouts you are creating an ideal environment for muscle growth.
What all this means is ingesting BCAAs primes your body for growth by increasing protein synthesis and energy production in muscle. All of these actions are beneficial to an athlete and should not be overlooked.
There is endless research backing BCAA supplementation as part of one's workout nutrition. In addition, the citrulline malate found in our BCAA product increases atp/energy production, delays fatigue, and increase blood flow and amino acid deliver to muscle and the glutamine promotes increased recovery.
We recommend 4-8 scoops of our BCAA product during training depending on bodyweight.
4. Whey Protein
While I consider this a FOOD and not a supplement, it is sold in a box with a supplement company's label on it, so we will put it here. I recommend one that is LOW in carbs and fat with less than three grams of each per serving so that it is as close to protein only as possible and can be used whether bulking or cutting.
If you want more carbs, you can add oats or another source. If you want more fats, add oils, almond butter, peanut butter, or another healthy EFA source. Since missing a meal can hurt your results, this makes the BASE list.
The Young & Old Base List
The Young And The Sexy
Younger people, generally under 25 years old, can get away with the base list and really just add in accessories. What accessories do we recommend?
1. Creatine
The granddaddy of them all. We recommend taking 2.5-5g on workout days (assuming 4 or more training days per week). This will have you 100% saturated within a month. You can't beat 100%, so no need to load!
What does creatine do?
Creatine monohydrate is one of the most studied supplements and has been shown to cause dramatic increases in muscle size and strength. Creatine can help:
? Build and maintain lean muscle ? Provide more energy during sets and faster recovery between sets when training ? Promote muscle cell hydration ? Increase strength ? Enhance recovery
2. Beta-Alanine
What is beta-alanine?
Beta-alanine is one of the two amino acids (histidine being the other) that make up the protein carnosine. Carnosine is found throughout the body, but specifically in skeletal muscle.
Research shows that skeletal muscle carnosine levels are correlated with performance during high-intensity exercise (Suzuki, 2002); higher carnosine levels lead to better performance. Beta-alanine availability is the limiting factor in muscle carnosine synthesis (Hill, 2007).
Carnosine is an important metabolic buffer in skeletal muscle (Suzuki, 2002), which means it helps maintain the acid-base balance in the presence of high H+ (hydrogen ion) concentrations. H+ is a byproduct of energy metabolism and lactic acid production, which causes a burning sensation in yours muscles when you workout (such as during high-rep leg extensions).
During exercise H+ levels increase, which causes fatigue and decreases performance. If one could keep H+ levels down during exercise they could delay fatigue and increase performance; this can be accomplished with beta-alanine supplementation.
What does Beta-Alanine do?
According to recent research the following has been found about Beta-Alanine:
- Beta-alanine availability is the limiting factor in muscle carnosine synthesis.
- Muscle carnosine levels were higher after 10 weeks of beta-alanine supplementation than after 4 weeks, showing that beta-alanine's effects are best experienced over long term supplementation.
- Beta-alanine supplementation increases total work done during aerobic exercise.
- Adding beta-alanine to creatine supplementation leads to greater increases in lean mass than creatine supplementation alone.
- Beta-alanine may increase endurance performance.
- Beta-alanine may delay neuromuscular fatigue, which would allow one to workout longer and more intensely.
- Beta-alanine delays fatigue.
- Beta-alanine delays onset of reaching ones ventilatory threshold, which is the point where ventilation increases non-linearly due to blood and muscle acidosis.
- Beta-alanine increases time to exhaustion.
Who should use Beta-Alanine?
Any athlete or health conscious adult looking to improve strength, performance, or gain muscle will benefit from taking beta-alanine.
When/How should I take Beta-Alanine?
Research studies have dosed beta-alanine at 3.2-6.4 grams/day. The most effective way to take beta-alanine would be 2 grams prior to exercise and 2 grams 8 hours before or after exercise.
What supplements can I stack with Beta-Alanine to increase results?
Beta-alanine has been shown to work synergistically with creatine. Citrulline malate, arginine, and BCAAs would also stack well with beta-alanine.
Does Beta-Alanine have any side effects?
Beta-alanine is a safe, side effect free supplements when taken by healthy adults with no pre-existing health problems. Supplementing with beta-alanine can cause tingling of the skin. This effect usually disappears after 2 weeks of use.
Will Beta-Alanine cause me to fail a drug test for natural bodybuilding competitions?
No. Beta-alanine contains all natural ingredients and no hormones. It will not cause you to fail a drug test.
3. Sleep Enhancers (natural)
As fitness and physique enthusiasts, we strive to create an optimal environment for maintaining a lean, strong, healthy body. This includes following a strict diet and training regime and shying away from practices that could harm our bodies. There is another piece of the fitness puzzle in addition to diet and training that is often overlooked and ignored: SLEEP!
Sleep is vital for everyone, but it is especially important for those who exercise regularly. When we sleep, the body repairs itself from the daily stress and demands we place on it.
Exercising places increased demands and requirements on the body. The body must meet these demands in order to recover from intense training sessions. If you deprive yourself from sufficient sleep, your recovery and progress will suffer.
Insomnia and sleeplessness are often caused by stress and anxiety. In order to obtain a good, quality night of sleep, you need to be relaxed. Having to get out of bed in the morning after getting little to no sleep is very frustrating and impairs your performance during the upcoming day.
We recommend a sleep enhancer with LT-1 Tryptophan.
Old Guy Supplements
The older individual, generally 25 and above, but most-likely 30 and over (varies GREATLY on the individual). This is when testosterone takes a nosedive and things start getting weird. The old guy can take everything above and it will all be of great benefit. But there are other items to look at to address age-specific issues. We will list them out and present our Old Guy Basics!
1. Joint Care
We recommend a glucosamine supplement with 1.5 - 2 grams of glucosamine per dose as well as cissus. Here is what they are:
Glucosamine aids in repairing and lubricating the cartilage that surrounds joints. It has been shown to regenerate cartilage cells and decrease joint pain.
Research has shown this supplement to aid in improving body composition, overall health and wellness, and more importantly to the issue at hand, joint and bone health. We recommend a high potency extract that contains about 40% ketosterones. Ketosterones are the compounds in the cissus plant that are responsible for its beneficial effects. Taking it can help heal joint injuries and even prevent them from happening.
2. Test Booster
Right now, all I feel comfortable recommending is high dose tribulus terrestris. This is from a conversation I had with Flex and Muscle & Fitness Science Editor Jim Stoppani PhD. about this:
"Tribulus Terrestris stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland. It then travels via the bloodstream to the testicles, where it stimulates testosterone production. Take a total of 500-2,000 mg daily in 2-3 divided doses with food to get your T-levels surging. Go five days on and two off for a maximum of eight weeks. On workout days, take one of those doses about an hour before hitting the iron."
The Young & Old Stacks!
Young Stud Stack
- Multivitamin: 1 per day
- Fish Oil: 3-6 grams per day
- Workout Nutrition: .17g/kg BCAA
- Whey: As needed to fit macronutrient requirements
- Creatine: 2.5-5g on training days
- Beta-Alanine: 3.2-6.4 grams per day
- Sleep Enhancers: 1 serving 30 minutes - 1hr before bed
Old Guy Stack
- Multivitamin: 1 per day
- Fish Oil: 3-6 grams per day
- Workout Nutrition: .17g/kg BCAA
- Whey: As needed to fit macronutrient requirements
- Creatine: 2.5-5g on training days
- Beta-Alanine: 3.2-6.4 grams per day
- Sleep Enhancers: 1 serving 30 minutes - 1hr before bed
- Joint Care: 2g Glucosamine per day and for cissus, follow label instructions
- Tribulus Terrestris: 500-2,000 mg daily in 2-3 divided doses
Erasing The Age Gap!
With the aforementioned strategies, you will be on the way to the body of your dreams no matter how long you have been dreaming. Remember, get your diet and training in check and use supplements to make your program even better!
Time to get some results!