Want Weight Loss? Eat More Fat!

A huge new breakthrough in scientific research shows that eating more fat could lead to weight loss! Eating a diet high in monounsaturated fat could be the healthiest diet you can find.

A huge new breakthrough in scientific research shows that eating more fat could lead to weight loss! I'm not telling you to go out and eat a few Big Macs, but increasing your intake of Monounsaturated Fat could be the healthiest thing for you. Pure monounsaturated fat is the variety of grease found in nuts, avocados, and olives. It tastes great and is very filling, just like the fats you have been trying to stay away from. Saturated fats, found in beef and butter, and Trans fats, found in chips and cookies, can lead to heart disease and are great at adding some more layers of fat to your body. But monounsaturated fat reverses those health risks.

Molecularly, saturated fat and trans fat are loaded with hydrogen atoms, which makes both solid at body temperature. Being solid, it makes it harder for the liver absorb and filter out harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol(the bad kind). However, the monounsaturated-fat molecule is missing two hydrogen atoms and is liquid at body temperature. Eating the monounsaturated fat will make the liver membrane more liquidly and allow LDL cholesterol to pass more easily into your body, and allow you to excrete it easily.

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Eating a diet high in monounsaturated fat could be the healthiest diet you can find. It could give you:

  • 1) A Stronger Heart by lowering the LDL cholesterol that clogs up your arteries
  • 2) Stronger Muscles by raising testosterone levels. Researchers do not yet know why monounsaturated fat raises testosterone, but research has proved that it does.
  • 3) Better Endurance by giving you more energy to burn. Monounsaturated fat actually gives you more energy than carbohydrates!
  • 4) Quicker Thinking by keeping the neuronal cells in the brain stronger.
  • 5) A Tighter Waist by allowing your liver to filter out everything that leads to body fat. So increase your intake of nuts and olive oil and you will be on your way to a healthier, bigger, and stronger body.

-Todd Torns