Clayton's Health Facts: Hawthorne Berry.

Clayton South, SPN (ISSA), is a recognized expert in the bodybuilding / fitness industry with over 150 bodybuilding, fitness and nutrition publications to his credit.

What Is It?
And Where Does It Come From?

Hawthorne Berry (crataegus oxyacantha) is also known by the names Haw, May Blossom, May Day Flower, and White Thorn. It is an herb that comes from the hawthorne shrub, which can grow up to 40 feet tall. The hawthorne shrub is a spiny tree that is indigenous to the Mediterranean region. The berries on the hawthorne shrub are usually bright red.

Hawthorne Berry has a primary chemical constituent that includes vitamin C, flavonoids (quercetin, quercetrin), glycosides, proanthocyanidins, anthocynaidins, saponins, tannins, and cratetegin (most prevalent in the flowers, then leaves, then berries).

The genus name "Crataegus" comes from the Greek, "kratos", which refers to the hardness of the wood. In Celtic folklore, fairies are said to 'hang out' in hawthorne groves. Christianity used to regard the plant as sacred. They used to think that it furnished Christ's crown of thorns. Both the Greeks and Romans used to associate hawthorne with marriage & fertility.

Who Needs It?
And What Hawthorne Berry Is Used For?

Since the 19th century hawthorne berries have been used to support the heart, and to normalize cardiovascular functions. In Europe, it is one of the most popular herbs today and is growing in popularity in the United States. Hawthorne berry helps protect the arterial walls, can dilate (enlarge) coronary blood vessels (the vessels supplying the heart with vital oxygen, blood, and nutrients), and strengthens the heart's pumping ability.

People who suffer from angina or hypertension (high blood pressure) may benefit from supplementing hawthorne berry to help alleviate their condition. Anyone who suffers from tachycardia (rapid heart beating) and cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heart beat) may also benefit from supplementing with hawthorne berry.

Hawthorne berry can also be used to help with weight loss. It can help reduce water retention by expelling excess salt from the body. This herb can improve overall circulation, reduce nervous tension, alleviate insomnia, lower cholesterol, and aid digestion. It can also be used to strengthen joint lining, collagen, and spinal discs. In short, it can be worth checking out for those who have heart disease or those that wish to prevent it.

How Much Should Be Taken?
And Are There Any Side Effects?

Side effects from using hawthorne berry is relatively rare, and usually superficial in nature. Some people experience nausea, sweating, and fatigue. If a person does not have any heart condition and takes very large doses of hawthorne berry, they might experience a significant drop in blood pressure.

The dosage for hawthorne berry can range from 25 mg to 300 mg per tablet or capsule. For people with no heart condition, 25 mg would be fine. For those that are at risk of or have heart disease may wish to take at least 100 mg daily.

It is recommended that you consult your professional health care provider if you wish to supplement hawthorne berry into your regular daily diet.

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