Are you one of those people who carry around a gallon jug of water every where you go? Well if you're not, I have some interesting facts that might lead you to your nearest grocery store for a couple of gallons.
I'm not implying you carry a gallon jug everywhere, but take a good look around the gym next time you are there. What do the people with the biggest and leanest physiques usually have with them? You got it, a gallon jug of good old H2O. They might not know the great importance of the water they drink, but by the end of this article you will know some of the vital roles water plays in the body.
The Basic Facts
Water is an essential nutrient even though it is left out of discussions pertaining to your body's nutritional needs. Your body's need for water is second only to that of oxygen ... Pretty Important Huh! Water is used by the body as a building material, lubricant, solvent, and helps regulate your body temperature. It is used by the body as a solvent and after digestion, water and blood are the means by which nutrients are carried to your cells and wastes are removed.
What Does It Do?
Great! That sounds all fine and dandy, but how does that help my training and general performance?
Well, believe it or not water serves as a building material in every cell and muscle cells happen to be one of the cells with the highest water content. 70 percent! Water also serves as a lubricant in your joints. This is especially helpful to those lifting extreme amounts of weight, jogging, or any high impact exercise.
Will being more hydrated allow you to see more patients?
YES! Water also plays a vital role of removing heat from the body. This will definitely lead to less fatigue in any intense strength and cardiovascular program. Water also plays an important role when dieting to lose that unwanted fat. To lose fat efficiently, you must drink copious amounts of water. Restricting water can lead to a few problems to the functions and appearance of your physique and health. Restricting your water intake causes your body to retain more water. This can play havoc on a dieter's mind mistaking the extra fluid retention for fat.
Studies have also shown restriction of water promotes fat retention. Due to its role in the removal of waste and transportation of nutrients, your body will perceive the lack of water as a major stress. One of the defense mechanisms of the body during major stress situations is to preserve fat and water.
How Much?
How much water should one drink? I personally drink up to three gallons a day and even as high as four and a half during precontest dieting. For people who are not used to drinking a lot of water should first start out with drinking a half to one gallon a day. It sounds like a lot but if you keep on sipping all-day it will be gone in no time. You should drink most of your fluids before, during, and after a workout.
When the weather is hot and humid, make a conscious effort to increase fluid intake. Don't wait until you are thirsty, if you rely on thirst you will only be replacing 50-70% of the fluid you have lost. A good self-monitoring method of your state of hydration is to look at your urine. A dark gold color means you are dehydrated. A pale yellow or clear color means you are headed toward a state of hydration.
You might want to limit or even stay clear of caffeine and alcohol because they can act like diuretics, dehydrating you. Scientific studies have shown that when the muscle cell is super hydrated with water, it may trigger protein synthesis causing an anti-catabolic effect.
Act Now!
So go get yourself a tall glass of water and start hydrating your muscles and body. You will find yourself with more energy and less fatigue. Being that the best way to remove water underneath the skin (Edema, which can blur muscle definition and make you look smooth) is to drink more water, you will find your physique, skin, and performance getting better and better. Stay healthy, train hard, train smart, and DRINK THAT WATER!