Hybrid Nutrition!

How can you improve your nutrition? By putting yourself on a diet. Ok, don't frown at this fact. With the Hybrid Training System, your diet is YOUR diet simply because a lot of the foods you choose will be up to you.

Nutrition is the number one thing that is forgotten in training today. Sure, you can have a great workout program but a workout is as good as its diet or nutrition. If you nutrition isn't there you're only fulfilling half your potential.

In my recent article on desire, I see teen and young adults workout extremely hard, but their nutrition is lacking because they are lazy. Yet I see guys like Scott Milne, Sam Smith, who are young but are able to make those choices so they can train at 100%.

How can you improve your nutrition? By putting yourself on a diet. OK, don't frown at this fact. With the Hybrid Training System, your diet is your diet simply because a lot of the foods you choose will be up to you. But the system requires you to do a high-protein-high-fat-low-carb diet. Let me explain.

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Author Of The Hybrid Training
System, Curtis Dennis Jr.

When I first started using this system, I used that diet. During the workouts, normally, you would burn or use up protein and fat. With this diet, you're guaranteed to burn fat through the tough intense workouts and afterwards, take a protein shake to replenish and repair your muscles so they can grow.

The reason for the low-carb is that you want to use fat as your source of energy during your workouts. Using carbs will not ensure that you'll lose fat. When you use fat as energy, you're burning it. Cool huh? Now with the high-protein is basically for building muscle...you WON'T lose.

Now the beauty of this diet is that maybe 75% of the guys at the gym are already doing it! Problem is...their diet is about as consistent as their workouts which is next to none. If you harness this understanding, then you'll be on your way to a more muscular and leaner physique.

OK, I've gotten your mouth all watered, now you ask...what do I eat? I have a list of foods below that you might find to suit you. Oh and I almost forgot...since this is a HYBRID diet...you need to change up some of your foods from day to day. Now you can keep some meals the same (i.e. breakfast, lunch, etc.)...it's up to you which meals you want to switch. I know I would switch around third or fourth meal.

  • Eggs or egg whites
  • Steak (grilled) and chicken (broiled or grilled)
  • Milk and orange juice
  • Lean beef (grilled or broiled) for hamburgers
  • Canned tuna or canned chicken breasts
  • Peanut butter
  • Wheat or white bread (Wheat is preferred for leaning up)
  • Potatoes (mashed or baked)
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Salads
  • Cereal (only unsweetned and/or high fiber cereals)
  • Tea
  • Fish (baked, grilled or broiled)
  • Rice
  • Yogurt
  • Nuts
  • Lean ham
  • Cottage cheese
  • Beans
  • Pasta
  • Sweet potato
  • Low-fat cheese and salad dressings
  • Olive, canola, or flaxseed (vascularity) oil

Remember, you need to be on a high-protein-high-fat-low-carb diet so you can maximize your training. Now there are some things you will need to keep track of. Your protein intake is one of them. Why monitor your protein? Because it determines what bodyweight you will be. Monitor your calories, but they should be second.

With what I've taught you this week, you can formulate your own diet designed just for you. Remember, four to six meals daily (this includes 1-2 small smacks in between meals which can be a protein shake).