Advanced Routines!

Proper nutrition and exercise are the keys for great GAINS! But, what happens when you reach a point of not return in your powerlifting or bodybuilding career and you don't have an idea of how to break this plateau.

Proper nutrition and exercise are the keys for great GAINS! But, what happens when you reach a point of no return in your powerlifting or bodybuilding career and you don't have an idea of how to break this plateau. Remember when you become an advanced bodybuilder or powerlifter you need MORE TIME FOR RECOVERY than when you were in your beginner stage.

I need to recall that also you don't need to expend more time in the gym, you need to increase your intensity doing different kinds of fancy movements like supersets, singles, triples and the more important HEAVY WEIGHT. If you are using the same poundages for your exercises since your last workout, you are wasting your time, PERIOD!

In this article I include different types of workouts and also a simple diet that works to satisfied all kinds of taste. You are able to pick the one you think will fill your interest.



When you were a beginner, the use of this kind of training schedule was perfect. Intermediate or advance trainees who hit a rut always went back to it to get growing again. Use a Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday rotation. Trust me, if you follow this program as described, you won't be able to train more frequently.

Workout 1

Squats - 5 x 5*
Bench Press - 5 x 5*
Chins - 5 x 5*
Dips - 5 x 10* *
Dumbbell Curls - 5 x 10* *

Dips: Help Video

* Do two progressively heavier warm-up sets followed by three work sets. It should be really tough to do five reps on all three sets. Once you can get five reps on all three sets, add 10-to-20 pounds and start over the next time you use this workout.

* * Do two progressively heavier warm-up sets of 10 reps followed by three work sets, using enough weight to make it hard to perform three sets of 10.

Workout 2

Deadlifts - 5 x 5*
Military Presses - 5 x 5*
Barbell Curls - 5 x 5
Close-Grip Bench Press - 5 x 5

* Do two progressively heavier warm-up sets followed by three work sets with your top weight for five reps.

Workout 3

Squats - 5-6 x 2*
Bench Press - 5-6 x 2*
Hammer Curls - 5-6 x 2*
Flat or Incline Bench Press - 5 x 5* *
Stiff-Legged Deadlift - 5 x 5

* Do several progressively heavier warm-up sets of two reps until you reach the absolute maximum weight you can handle for two all-out reps. Do your final set at 90 percent of your 1-rep max. If you are new to low-rep training, you may need to take it easy the first few times and use a weight that's 75-to-80 percent of your 1-rep max. After that, don't hold back.

* * Use the same format as the one listed for the Squats workout 1.

This program may be a simple, but it's not easy, specially if you use appropriate poundages. If you do, you won't be able to train more than three times per week.


The idea of a workout composed entirely of single-rep training may go against everything you've been led to believe about building muscle. Heavy singles are dangerous, singles don't build muscle, singles are old-fashioned. ENOUGH!!! Try the following program for at least four weeks. Train four days per week with 2-on/2-off rotation.

Workout 1

Deadlifts - 5-7 x 1
Partials-rep Squats - 4-5 x 1

Do several progressively heavier deadlifts until you work up to your top set with a weight that's 90-to-95 percent of your 1-rep max. If you max is 500 pounds, your sets would be 135x1, 225x1, 315x1, 405x1, 455x1 and 475x1. Stick with your top weight for 1-to-3 singles, taking 2-to-4 minutes rest between sets.

For the partial squats set the pins in the power rack so that you squat to about a quarter of the way down. You should be significantly stronger on this exercise than on the full range movement. If you max at 405 pounds on the regular squat, shoot for a top single of around 500 pounds. You wont need as many warm-ups after your deadlifts, so your sets might look something like this: 225x1, 315x1, 405x1, 495x1.

Workout 2

Bottom-Position Bench Press - 4-5 x 1*
Weight wide-grip Chins - 4-5 x 1
Incline Press - 4-5 x 1
Military Press - 4-5 x 1
Barbell Curls - 4-5 x 1

* Set the pins in the power rack so you begin this exercise with the bar brushing your chest. That lets you do heavy singles safely while making the movement even tougher.

As in the first workout, do progressively heavier singles until you reach your top weight. You may want to alternate the bench presses with the chins in a slow superset.

Workout 3

Squats - 5-7 x 1*
Deadlifts - 4-5 x 1* *

* Use a full range of motion, making sure that you are thoroughly warmed up before handling your top weight.
* * If you have access to heavy dumbbells, do dumbbell deadlifts. Otherwise do regular or power rack deadlifts.

Workout 4

Floor Press - 4-5 x 1*
Hammer Curls - 4-5 x 1
Close-Grip Bench Press - 4-5 x 1* *

* Lie down in the power rack and set the pins so that you move the bar 4-to-6 inches. It's extremely difficult to cheat on this exercise, which makes it effective.
* * Begin these in the bottom position of the power rack, just as you did for the regular bench press in workout 2.

These four single-rep workouts are all short and simple, but they are also extremely hard and effective. Each work set should be a battle to complete the one rep.


Once you have been training for a while and built up your strength, it's almost a necessity to start using the power rack. It lets you overload your muscles with heavy weights. You can use huge poundages safely while working alone, and you can use lockout movements on the basic compound exercises.

All of the movements in this workout are performed in the power rack. It's a demanding routine, but you will reap big gains if you are willing to tough it out. You hit each major body part once per week, following a three days per week schedule. You will need the rest, believe me.

Workout 1

Bottom-Position Incline Press - 5-7 x 1*
Bottom-Position Close-Grip Bench Press - 4-5 x3* *
Bench Press Lockouts - 5 x5* **

* Get in the power rack with an incline bench and set the pins so the bar brushes against the top of your chest in the bottom position. Warm-up with 5-or-6 progressively heavier singles until you reach an almost maximum poundage for one rep.

* * Do 3-or-4 progressively heavier triples until you reach the maximum weight you can handle for 1-or-2 sets of three reps.

* ** Set the pins so you move the bar through a range of motion that's close to lockout.

Workout 2

Bottom-Position Squats - 5 x3*
Squat lockouts - 4-5 x 1* *

* Set the pins so that you start your Squat from the bottom position. This one's a Killer! But, it will really bring your strength up. Warm-up over four progressively heavier triples.

* * Set the pins so you're moving the weight with a range of motion that's lsss than a quarter squat.

Workout 3

Deadlifts from the knees - 6-7 x 1
Military Press - 4-5 x 3
Standing Shrugs - 4-5 x 3
Barbell Curls - 4-5 x 1

* Set the pins a little below your waist so you rest the bar briefly after each rep.

Always ease into a power-rack routine, because it's demanding even for the advanced lifter. Don't rush it or you may injure yourself.


The following routine is my favorite one and is composed of two sessions, so you can vary your schedule, 2-on/1-off, 2-on/2-off, every other day or just every 3-to-3 days, whenever you feel you've recuperated.

Workout 1

Bench Press - 6 x 6
Wide-Grip Chins - 6 x 6
Military Press - 6 x 6

For all of these movements choose a weight that you can normally use for 10 reps. Do six straight sets with only a minute's rest between them. The first couple of sets won't be bad, but after that you find this is a tough workout.

Workout 2

Squats - 5 x 15*
Close-Grip Bench Press - 6 x 6* *
Barbell Curls - 6 x 6

* Pick a weight that you would normally be able to do 20 reps with and try for five sets of 15, with only a minute's rest between sets. Shoot for at least three sets on your first workout and work up to five.
* * Follow the same approach as described for workout 1.

These are very short workouts but extremely taxing. Once you can do the prescribed number of sets and reps, increase the weight by 10-to-15 percent the next time you do the workout and start over. GOOD LUCK!!!


This is a simple diet to gain muscle mass. Simple but very effective, just try this one and you'll put some pounds in your frame in short time. Remember this equation: 1.5gm of protein * Body weight = Muscle Mass

Meal 1
Protein Power in 16 oz milk
Oatmeal, 8 oz
Egg whites, 3 (in the oatmeal)
French Toast or Hot Cakes, 5

Meal 2
Protein Shake / Weight Gainer
in 16 oz. Of milk

Meal 3
Roasted Chicken, 8 oz
Rice, 1 cup
Protein power w/ 16 oz milk

Meal 4 - Pre-Workout
Cottage cheese, 6 oz w/ pineapple
Protein Shake / Weight Gainer (or just Milk) in 16 oz milk
10 gm Creatine
Andro (if you are using one)

Meal 5 - Post-Workout
Peanut Butter sandwich on whole bread (2)
Protein Power w/ 16 oz milk
1 Apple or Banana
10gm Creatine
10gm Glutamine
Vitamin C

Meal 6
Tuna Sandwich on whole bread(2)(packed in water)
1 Apple or Banana
Protein Shake / Weight Gainer in 16 oz milk

Meal 7
Protein Shake / Weight Gainer in 16 oz milk
10 gm Glutamine