Workout Music, Vol. 4: Stephanie Toomey's Muscle-Up Music

If your normal gym playlist has grown stale, download Stephanie Toomey's. It's perfect for even the most hard-core training session.

She's a Marine, a mother, an Optimum-sponsored athlete, a CrossFitter, and a student. She's no fictional superhero—she's Stephanie Toomey. This resilient, tough-as-nails lady is a certified weight smasher and fitness buff. She's one of the rare people whose mental fortitude matches her physical strength.

Stephanie's workout music reflects her personality: diverse, fun, intense, and energetic. Download her workout tunes so you can get ready to crush your own workout!

Does music affect your workouts? Can you train without it?

For me, music can be key for getting in a good training mindset, especially on those days when it takes the stars to align properly for me to shut everything out and focus on training. Other days, silence throughout the gym—except for the sound of plates crashing around— is what I crave. For strength training I can go without loud music and prefer the sights and sounds of the gym, but if I'm about to do a metabolic conditioning workout, I love loud and rowdy music!

If you had to choose one album to listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be?

"Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits!" This CD brings me so much joy. It was one of my mother's favorites and brings me back to the days I shared with her.

Which lift PR are you most proud of? Why?

To date, I would have to say it is my 315-pound below-parallel squat. There's something about seeing three "big wheels" on each side of the barbell that does something for me.

What or who inspires you to do your best?

The two most important people in my life: my son and my boyfriend. On the day my son was born, I made a promise to him to work as hard as possible to give him the best chance in his life. It's always been "he and me," and he makes me strive to be the best I can be. My boyfriend is also a huge inspiration. His work ethic and constant positive outlook is motivation for me. His persona is very contagious, and his hard-working, go-getter attitude is something everyone can aspire to emulate. He's a catalyst in my daily efforts to be better than I was yesterday! Workout Music On Spotify

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