Adam Borkhus


The first time I ever picked up a weight was freshman year of high school because my family was going to the Wisconsin Dells to a water park resort and I wanted to look better. Needless to say I did not reach my goal but that was what started it all. A couple years after high school I had no direction in life, I was suffering from depression, drinking excessively, and had gone up to about 320 pounds. I was still lifting, I was playing foot ball for a semi-pro team, but I was far from healthy.

One day, I just decided that it was enough, I all but quit drinking and started trying to lose the weight. I ended up losing almost 100 pounds going down to 230 before I started rebuilding lean mass. Other than saving my life, in the sense the alcohol and my weight would kill me eventually, the experience put my life into prospective. I went back to school and am now about a year away from getting my B.A. in Exercise and Sports Sciences, after which I plan to get a M.S. or PhD in physiology, exercise physiology, or kinesiology. I am also a NSCA-CPT. Losing that weight made me want to help others; I remember what it is like to dislike how you look to the point you look at a mirror and want to just cry or break it.

With all the different sports I have done, I have gained massive amounts of knowledge about different styles and exercises from the different Strength and Conditioning coaches I have had. When I train a client I use of all of them. The only requirements I ask from my clients is give 100% all the time, if someone is gonna whine when they are sore or not listen, or just not do the work, they can go to a different trainer. It takes work, time, and determination; if they want a personal trainer who will take their money and not make them work they can find them, money or not, if they won't commit it is a waste of time, mine and theirs. If someone can't give 100% then I am not going to give the time or effort.


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