Watermelon Cherry Re-Jello
Bodybuilding.com RSP
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24 Calories
6 g Carbs
1 g Protein
0 g Fat
Total Time
1 serving

For the times you don't feel like sipping on aminos, or simply want something a little more substantial in your stomach, this refreshing Jell-O snack is king! It's the perfect combination of palate-pleasing, muscle-building fuel, and it's easy to customize to meet your flavor preference.


  • 1 scoop rsp nutrition regen bcaa
  • 2 cup water
  • 1 serving jello
  • 2 cup water

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  1. Add two cups of boiling water to a large bowl. Mix in a Jell-O packet, and gently stir until it's completely mixed.
  2. Add 3 scoops of Watermelon ReGen to a shaker with two cups of cold water.
  3. Once the ReGen is dissolved, add it to the hot Jell-O liquid.
  4. Gently stir the mixture and portion into six small cups or bowls.

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