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Podcast Episode 68: Strength is Never a Weakness - Sean Brady on Training, Testing Yourself, and Philadelphia Grit

Podcast Episode 68: Strength is Never a Weakness - Sean Brady on Training, Testing Yourself, and Philadelphia Grit

MMA fighter and Team athlete Sean Brady discusses his upcoming UFC debut. Learn how this Philly native and jiujitsu blackbelt uses weightlifting and training four times a day to get in fighting shape and why you can never be too strong when you're taking on the biggest names in the UFC. July 16, 2019 22 min read
Built to Last: UFC Legend Jens Pulver Wants to Go the Distance

Built to Last: UFC Legend Jens Pulver Wants to Go the Distance

Mind, body, spirit; Jens Pulver aims to perfect them all, even though his competitive fighting days are over. Now, his training camp has to last a lifetime. Now, it's about forever. January 30, 2018 6 min read
MMA Training and Conditioning In The Weight Room

MMA Training and Conditioning In The Weight Room

In this article I'm going to combine conditioning in the weight room with MMA training. Read on to see a sample training routine and learn more about how these two really can work together. January 02, 2006 7 min read