Brian Turner Packed On 40 Pounds Of Lean Muscle And Bested His Brother!

When Brian saw the results his older brother was getting in the gym he knew he wanted to change his body too. Brian added 40 pounds of mass and changed his diet. See how he made it happen!

Vital Stats

Name: Brian Turner


Bodyspace: brianmt

Brian Turner Brian Turner


140 lbs
Body Fat:


180 lbs
Body Fat:

Why I Got Started

The first event that pushed me into changing my occasional visit to the gym, which consisted of screwing around with light reps on whatever, into a fully dedicated body punishing workout was seeing my brother ( Eric ) after just 2 months of lifting. Vascularity and striations were showing through his delts, and I was amazed at how much better it looked and how big he had appeared to have gotten! Of course I couldn't let my big brother get bigger and better than me, so I started hitting the gym with a weekly workout log printed from

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Brian Turner Interview!

Brian Turner discusses his transformation.

How I Did It

Like I said, I printed out my first workout plan from and was logging it on the paper with a pencil as I went throughout my workout. I started reading about anything and everything I could as far as building muscle, how your digestive system works, how food is used, how much sleep/protein/water/etc. is needed - the list goes on and on. I educated myself as much as I could and as the months rolled on my dieting, sleeping patterns, and workouts slowly progressed to be better and better.

I perfected my diet and I stopped all junk foods ( candies, sodas, fast food, chips, etc.), I started going to bed at 9 p.m. so as to get my full 8-9 hours of sleep. Also my workouts started becoming more intense and I corrected my form in every lift that it was incorrect. I "bulked" from the day I started with a drastic 4-5k calories per day (I started very skinny) with a high carb/protein and medium fat diet. This worked well as I was skin and bones so the constant insulin spiking, I believe, assisted me in gaining muscle. I was on this phase for just about 10 months until I reached a massive 195 pounds, then about 8 weeks out from summer I started my "cut" which was a carb cycling diet (no carbs except for 60g ingested right after workouts in the form of a shake). 2 weeks before summer I got sick and ended up having to stop my cut there, but I got down to 7-8% body fat. Now I'm on a clean lean bulk where my goal is to get to 195 pounds lean, with the same amount of body fat.

My Workouts Started Becoming More Intense And I Corrected My Form In Every Lift That It Was Incorrect My Workouts Started Becoming More Intense And I Corrected My Form In Every Lift That It Was Incorrect
+ Click To Enlarge.
My Workouts Started Becoming More Intense And I
Corrected My Form In Every Lift That It Was Incorrect.


Note: Supplement dosages and schedule listed below in Diet section.


Cutting Diet:

Ave. day diet = 2700 calories

Each meal consisting of 50-55% fat - 45-50% protein

The foods I would eat were:

Caffeine was my main cutting supplement for energy and appetite suppression.

Lean Bulking (Now):

Ave. day calories = 3100-3300

Eat when hungry (every 2-3 hrs ) 400-500 calorie meals

Foods consist of:

Meal 1:

Meal 2:

Meal 3:

Meal 4:

Meal 5:

Meal 6:


Failure - That point in an exercise at which you have so fully fatigued your working muscles that they can no longer complete an additional repetition of a movement with strict biomechanics. You should always take your post-warm-up sets at least to the point of momentary muscular failure, and frequently past that point.

Day 1: Arms/Abs

Day 2: Legs/Abs

Day 3: Triceps/Abs

Day 4: Shoulders/Traps

Day 5: Chest/Abs

Day 6: Back/Biceps

Day 7: Rest

There you go that is my workout. Remember, heavy lifting and low body fat is the secret to great abs.

*This is a straight standing pad that you place your butt against, then two cables come from behind your shoulder, and you grab them just in front of your shoulders, you then proceed to crunch your torso down until 90 degrees parallel to the ground. I do 1 less than the whole stack, you want to do the heaviest weight that you can do with correct form and full range of motion, so that you're struggling on the 11th and 12th rep. 3 sets.

Remember, Heavy Lifting And Low Body Fat Is The Secret To Great Abs
+ Click To Enlarge.
Remember, Heavy Lifting And Low Body Fat Is The Secret To Great Abs.

**For obliques I do 2 sets of 12 reps on the seated oblique twist machine. Once again as heavy as possible, with this one you want to control the weight slowly all the way full range, then slow and controlled back, no swinging. I use the whole stack plus some for this.

***For the lower abs I put a 20-30-pound dumbbell in-between my feet, I grab a bar like I'm doing a chin up fully extended so I'm hanging there, then I bring my legs straight out in front of me for 14-16 reps. I move up weights once I get past that many reps. I do that for two sets, then the third set I put a heavier weight in-between my knees and I do knee raises (as opposed to straight leg raises, this is also for 16 reps).

Suggestions For Others

  • Get your protein in 1-1.5gs per lb of LBM ( lean body mass ).
  • Keep a log, strive to make progress from the previous workout!
  • Make milestones and smaller goals that build up to larger goals.
  • Push yourself to the limit.
  • Keep your form perfect Have fun!

Good luck bruddahs!

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