In this installment of "Just Train on the Go," Ron "Boss" Everline's quest to escape his comfort zone and get schooled in new training disciplines takes him to Kings MMA in Huntington Beach, California. Everline, a celebrity trainer and Cellucor-sponsored athlete, is new to the sport, but he's willing to try just about anything in the name of fitness, motivation, and new challenges.
Everline is an imposing figure, but Master Rafael Cordeiro, seasoned champion and Everline's teacher for today, isn't fazed.
"He is big guy," Cordeiro says in his Brazilian accent, smiling. "But sometimes big guy don't mean nothing."
Everline hesitantly enters the cage with Cordeiro and pro MMA fighter Arthur Estrazulas, but quickly proves he can hold his own. His gym-built power and grit make him a natural, throwing punches, knees, and elbows with grace.
"He was no Level 1," Cordeiro says. "It was the same session I usually do with my professional fighters."
Everline is impressed, too. "Rafael is amazing," he says. "You obviously see why he's the man."
Check out the video to watch Everline and Estrazulas spar, and find inspiration to take your own training out of the gym and into the cage.