Pro JYM Edible Cookie Dough
Steve Flintoff
Steve Flintoff
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202 Calories
10 g Carbs
30 g Protein
5 g Fat
Total Time
1 serving

Parents used to tell their kids not to eat the cookie dough but, let's face it, that stuff is irresistible to most humans. This cookie dough recipe is full of vanilla and almond goodness, along with a good dose of protein. You can even add nuts, marshmallows, or chocolate chips to the mix. It's all good!


  • 1 scoop Pro JYM, Tahitian Vanilla Bean
  • 1 serving (2 tbsp) PBfit peanut butter
  • 4 tbsp unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 dash cinnamon
  • 1 pinch table salt


  1. Mix all ingredients except almond milk in a bowl.
  2. Slowly add in almond milk one tablespoon at a time until the dry ingredients start to absorb it. You want a doughy consistency.
  3. Once all the milk is worked in, chill dough in fridge or freezer for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle with salt and devour.
  5. Optional add-ins: Chopped nuts, coconut, Walden Farms calorie-free syrup, marshmallows, chocolate chips.