Creamy Lemon And Mint Dressing
Heather Davies
Heather Davies
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53 Calories
11 g Carbs
2 g Protein
0 g Fat
Total Time
5 servings

This fantastic creamy dressing is full of fresh and zesty flavors and is completely fat-free! Yes that's right—I said creamy and fat-free. This recipe is great to use to top salads, smother grilled chicken, or dip veggies in.


  • 5 mint leaves
  • 1 wedge yields lemon juice
  • ½ lemon zest
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 170 g yogurt, fat-free
  • 1 pinch himalayan rock salt
  • 1 dash black pepper
  • ½ fl oz water

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  1. Using a sharp knife, chop the mint into very thin strips.
  2. Place all of the ingredients, including the mint, into a bowl. Give it a good stir. Be careful not to use too much lemon juice or your dressing will curdle. If you want a more lemony flavor, add more lemon little by little, stirring each time. You could also use a bit more rind.
  3. Leave the mixture in the fridge for at least an hour to meld the flavors. When ready to use, add a little extra water and drizzle.

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