Basic Homemade Peanut Butter
Anna Sward
Anna Sward Protein Pow
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1977 Calories
55 g Carbs
72 g Protein
163 g Fat
Total Time
1 serving

There's nothing like snacking on this creamy peanut butter straight from the jar. When you have a hankering for the original, this recipe is the tops. Not only does it have the rich, silky smooth texture you're used to, it's also completely homemade! This original recipe taste great and works well as a base to which you can layer other flavors.


  • 2 cup peanut, pieces
  • 2 tablespoon peanut oil


  1. Spread the peanuts (or your nut of choice; almonds are also great) flat on a baking sheet.
  2. Roast them at 350 F (around 180 C) for 8-12 minutes. Keep an eye on them so they don't burn. You'll know they're ready when they appear brown and sweaty—that's when they start releasing their oils.
  3. As soon as the nuts are ready, throw them in a food processor and pulse them for about 5 minutes. Stop every 30 seconds to give the mix a churn. While it might seem like it's taking ages, your mixture will turn from a grainy mix to a creamy and beautiful butter. If, for whatever reason, you still have a grainy mixture after 5 minutes, add a bit of the oil to help the process along. While you don't have to add the additional fat, it will help cut down on the time you have to stand there pulsing the nuts.
  4. Once your butter is ready, it's time to flavor it! You can add some sea salt if you want it salty or, if you want it sweet, check out the recipes below. The macros listed are for the entire batch—serving size is up to your discretion.
  5. Important notes on flavoring and protein-packing: Adding whey protein to your nut butters will make them a bit grainier. To counter this, play around with the proportions of whey to nut butter until you reach your desired consistency. If you want to up the protein content of your nut butters even more, you can use more of the whey protein. Just remember to bind it with the rest of the ingredients by adding a tiny bit of water into your mix—not a lot, though. Remember, we're not making a soup here!