Angry Bruce Banner Smoothie
MuscleTech MuscleTech
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564 Calories
50 g Carbs
58 g Protein
15 g Fat
Total Time
1 serving

Help bring the fictional, superhuman strength of Bruce Banner—aka the Incredible Hulk—to life with this shake. It's a favorite of trainer Ed Honn, who uses it as his morning breakfast shake. "The balanced mix of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean protein are just what I need to stay energized for the day ahead," he says. When you're on the road, far from home, or just having a jam-packed day, this shake can also be used as a meal replacement.


  • 2 scoop(s) muscletech nitro-tech whey plus isolate gold
  • 1 cup baby spinach
  • ½ cup ground oats
  • 1 cup frozen mixed berries
  • 1 tbsp natural almond butter
  • 6 oz almond milk

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  1. Blend and enjoy

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