Six Weeks Out!

Six weeks holy shit!!! I can't believe I have been on a diet for 5 weeks. Although I can only call it a no junk food diet as I can have Soy sauce, rice, and tuna, eggs, chicken and meat, which I can have bucket loads without getting sick of them.

Six weeks holy shit!!! I can't believe I have been on a diet for 5 weeks. Although I can only call it a no junk food diet as I can have Soya sauce, rice, and tuna, eggs, chicken and meat, which I can have bucket loads without getting sick of them but that's me, I'm lucky. At work I haven't been true to my diet as we have been sampling protein shakes but if your going to cheat what else is better to cheat with than protein shakes right??

Work has been keeping me occupied a little in-between school, Training and dieting. I work at a new Gym in CASTLE HILL that's where I live called ISIS. It is a brand new facility that has all the latest equipment that you could ask for and would be the best gym in the HILLS district, bar none.

Training has been going very well as I have trying a few different ways of training but still using the last set of an exercise to utilize total muscular failure by halving the weight and going until my body won't allow me to do another rep. I have been trying my best to keep between 15 to 8 reps using 3-4 sets.

My training split for the last 2 weeks looked like this:

  • Chest
  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Shoulders + Traps
  • Back
  • REST or repeat
The rest day is optional it will depend on how I am going and how I feel.

Before each training session I will usually do a 10 minute abs workout giving the upper, lower and obliques a workout.

Exercises vary from workout to workout as I feel instinctive training is the best way to train. You never get bored and can always find something to change your workout from same old same old to new and exciting.

At night after dinner but before my pre bedtime meal I will hit abs with the squeezing crunches and leg lifts for around 10 minutes then go and practice posing for up to half an hour.

After I posed I would have my protein shake and cup of rice and watch TV and then go to bed.

My diet consists of 6-7 meals per day, usually about 2-3 hours apart. I try to keep the proportions the same but will not go to the lengths of measuring the food with scales. I still occasionally have sauce with my dinner and lunch meals but only Soya sauce. Also I will put salt on 3 meals a day with some pepper so I can raise my sodium levels so when I decide to reduce my sodium I have something to reduce.


  • Breakfast- 6 egg whites+1 yolk, 1 cup rice
  • Morning Tea- Protein Shake, Cup of rice
  • Lunch- 450g Tuna, 1 cup of Rice
  • Afternoon Tea- MRP, 1 cup of rice
  • Dinner- Chicken Breast or steak, 1 cup of rice, vegetables
  • Before Bed- 1 cup of rice, protein Shake

The only supplement that is on my grocery list at the moment is a high quality protein powder and a good MRP. One from muscle tech or human development, or Labrada, which are my favorites. I am not currently using any Creatine, Glutamine, or Thermogenics.


I hate cardio but I am going to start doing 3 non-consecutive days a week of cardio first thing in the morning as this will give me longer to keep carbs in my diet and I will be able to maintain more muscle mass and lose body fat at the same time. I will keep you posted weekly after week 4. Keep it Heavy.