Asthma And Cardio/Weightlifting!

Asthma has always been an enemy of mine. I have had it since I was 3 years old. When I started bodybuilding, I would have to occasionally stop and take a puff (not weed!) of my inhaler.

Asthma has always been an enemy of mine. I have had it since I was 3 years old. When I started bodybuilding, I would have to occasionally stop and take a puff (not weed!) of my inhaler. For those of you out their with asthma you know what I mean. Well I have recently found a method that wipes out the existence of my asthma while I am doing my cardio or work out. I have found some new inhalers (some old) that will help.

The first, and my favorite, Serevent (I believe that is how it is spelled). Well this inhaler is probably the best I have ever used. You use it 3-5 minutes before you do anything, or take it in the morning, and it will prevent asthma attacks for 11 hours! Which is great, cause I do cardio in the morning, so I don't have to wait for it to kick in. You can ask your doctor about this, although mine recommended it to me.

The second is Albuterol. This inhaler stops asthma on the spot. Most of you who have asthma already know of this product. This product also works great, why stop asthma, when you can prevent it?

I tried Singular to help control my asthma. This product is like garbage. I think of this product as a pill with many many side effects. It did absolutely nothing. It might work for others, but it did not work for me.

There are many other products out there some with abilities to burn fat very well, Clenbuterol, which might I add is illegal here in the US. Plus for those who are even thinking of using it, don't because while you are losing that fat, you are also losing muscle (more than you will like to lose).

There are some ways to help reduce your asthma (I learned all these from my Grandmother). Things like keeping your chest covered when you go outside. Keep yourself warm at night when in bed. Stuff like this could all be what the elderly think will help. Still its worth a shot, who would want to be stuck with asthma for their entire life? I personally have been trying everything to get rid of this.

So far the cardio and weightlifting seem to be helping a lot. Some days I don't even have to use the inhalers as instructed on the side of the container.

Hope this helps for those who have asthma, for those who don't you have just wasted your time reading this article.

Good Luck