Russell Yeager


I have been weightlifting for about 8 years and finally decided that I wanted to get into the best shape of my life! I was hesitant about entering a bodybuilding competition so I decided to compete in the AST World Championships. As a result of winning my class I have had the opportunity to meet and discuss training, diet, and supplementation strategies with some of the greatest natural bodybuilders around, including Skip La Cour, Jeff Willet, and Derik Farnsworth.

The positive results I have achieved has inspired me to take my level of fitness and nutritional knowledge to a new level. I am currently studying to become a Certified Fitness Trainer under the ISSA and would like to participate in competitive bodybuilding in the future.

I started lifting weights as a hobby and a way to make myself more attractive to the opposite sex. However, I have only been what I consider bodybuilding (training consistently, eating properly, measuring progress) since March 2002.

Bodybuilding to me is a way to constantly challenge myself to reach a higher level of development and commitment. It is about setting ambitious goals, reaching those goals, then establishing new, more demanding goals. I believe bodybuilding is a very individual activity and that anyone can benefit from it.

Years Bodybuilding: 7 Months (8 years lifting weights)
Favorite Bodyparts: Legs, Shoulders, Arms
Favorite Exercise: Squats, Military Press, Barbell Curls
Favorite Supplements: VP2, Creatine, L-Glutamine, Ny-Tro Pro 40
Hobbies: Bodybuilding, Discussing training, diet, supplementation strategies, music, movies, reading.
Favorite Bodybuilders: Skip LaCour, Jeff Willet, Derik Farnsworth, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Quincy Taylor
Age: 27
Height: 6'6
Weight: 220 lbs
Chest: 48
Calves: 17.5
Legs: 28
Arms: 17.5
Waist: 33
I decided that I would like to contribute by adding my own views, thoughts, and feelings to the website so that I may help to educate and/or inspire others in their bodybuilding and healthy lifestyle endeavors.

During the 13 week AST 2002 World Championships Contest I kept a training journal, which includes detailed daily entries of my weight training and cardiovascular training sessions, as well as changes made to my nutrition and supplementation plan.

The journal contains my inner thoughts and emotions, as well as the experiences I encounter during the 13 weeks, both in the weight room and in other areas of my life.

My journal is appox. 170 pages long! Click below to download it!
