Over 40 Amateur Of The Week: Angie Langley

Angie didn't think about competing until her childhood friend encouraged her to. Now, she's just beginning what will no doubt be an incredible career in the fitness world!

Name: Angie Langley
E-Mail: [email protected]
BodySpace: AngieKL13
Age: 42  Height: 5'2"  Weight: 116 lbs Location: Henderson, TX
Years Competing: 2

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How Did You Get Started?

I had always worked out, but didn't do it seriously. I have a licensed daycare in my home, so going to the gym was/is my 'getaway;' I love just putting those headphones in my ears and getting in a zone. I got divorced 2 years ago and it was tough! I prayed one day for something positive and good to focus on. That very night at the gym, a childhood friend Dennis asked me if I had ever thought of doing a competition.

He said I was already toned and that he would be willing to train and help me. I hadn't ever considered competitions, but told him I would think it over. I figured if God gives us the desires of our hearts and my passion is lifting, then I should use it to make a difference. I didn't want to look back and think, 'what if?' or 'I wonder?' I decided to go for it! I started training in February and turned myself into a lean, hard monster.

Why Do You Love Fitness/Bodybuilding?

I love the way I see my body changing and I love the way it makes me feel: so proud of myself and so strong--not just physically but in every way! It has made me very confident and I am completely addicted! I love the self control it takes to eat right, and I love when make myself go to the gym even when I 'don't feel like it' because afterwards I feel great. Endorphins are amazing! I love being in the gym and enjoying the time I have for myself. I feel better than I have in my entire life. I hear a lot of women say 'I don't have time,' but I believe you should make time because you are worth it!

What Motivates You To Follow A Healthy Lifestyle?

I think motivation comes from within yourself. I am the type of person that when I get something in my mind and have a goal, I give it all I've got. When I see a positive change, I'm fueled to further that goal. I also love that others ask me what I'm doing and tell me I look great. I encourage them because they sure encourage me. I know when people are watching so it makes me try even harder! But mostly, I love that my daughters tell me they are proud of me. My youngest says she wants to lift weights and be strong like me. I know one day I'll see her doing squats with heavy weight--just like I do.

What Made You Want To Achieve Your Goals?

In the past, I always put everyone else first and my self esteem was damaged. I decided one day that I deserved to do that makes me happy. I stopped feeling guilty about wanting to do something for myself. My two daughters look up to me as their example; I want them to know that if you want something out of life, you need to keep your priorities straight and set a goal. Give it everything you've got and don't stop until you've reached that goal. No excuses. Once you've reached that goal, set a new one and aim even higher!

What Are Your Future Fitness/Bodybuilding Plans?

I am training now for a figure/bodybuilding competition in June and another in July. I did one last year, but I wasn't prepared with the correct suit. I had to compete in bikini instead. Bikini division is so not me! I am not prissy, I lift! However, I always have a good attitude about everything. Although my plan didn't work, I sucked it up, stayed strong and made a new one. I placed 4th, but afterwards the main judge came up to me and asked why I wasn't in Figure or Bodybuilding. I explained about my suit and he said he wanted to see me back in one of those divisions. I'm in the process of learning bodybuilding poses. I love to flex! I'll decide later whether I'd rather compete in figure or bodybuilding. Until then, I will continue working my butt off and go rock those competitions! Even if I don't place first, I'll know that there is nothing I could have done differently and still feel like a winner! Living fit and competing are just parts of my life now. I love it so much!

What One Tip Would You Give Other Fitness Competitors?

It's never too late to start. And, if you set a goal, do not ever give up on it.! As great as is to win (I'm very competitive!), the real competition is against yourself. You are pushing yourself to be better and stronger than you had imagined possible!

Who Are Your Favorite Fitness Competitors/Bodybuilders?

The first one I noticed and admired was Ava Cowan, she is beautiful and her story is inspirational. I also like Jamie Eason and Natalie Jill, and of course more than anyone my childhood friend that got me started and trained me: Dennis Sutton (whom I call Hercules) because he rocks!

What Features Do You Use On Bodybuilding.com?

The training section is my favorite; I always look up new workouts and exercises. I like to watch the videos to make sure I'm doing exercises correctly. I'm training on my own right now and this helps me a lot!