Nasser El Sonbaty Interview Part I Though conspicuously absent from the stage, he is not short on commentary, and in the following interview, the first of two parts, he tells all about his bodybuilding career, bodybuilding drugs, judging, the future of the sport and much more.
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Nasser El Sonbaty Interview Part II In the following interview, Nasser continues where he left off in part one to provide insight into the often dark, but curiously alluring world of the professional bodybuilder. Read on for a reality check in bodybuilding.
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Nasser El Sonbaty Interview Part III How difficult is it to be a pro bodybuilder and survive financially? Read on to find out as Nasser gives his astute, and controversial insights into the colorful game of professional bodybuilding.
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Nasser El Sonbaty Interview Part IV You never really know what Nasser will come out with, but it is safe to say it will radically depart from what the public have come to expect from most bodybuilding interview subjects: he tells everything, political correctness be dammed.
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Bonus: The Stories Behind The Interviews Exclusive - With his series of tell-all interviews, the question that is on everybody's mind seems to be, why? Nasser explains all in this electrifying and fascinating story about why & how the four interviews were created. Find out more right here!
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