Being The Wife Of A Bodybuilder!

Being the wife of a bodybuilder may be just as tough as bodybuilding. Tonya Sganzini tells us why...

Being the wife of a bodybuilder may be just as tough as bodybuilding. Having been involved in competitive athletics in college, I am aware of the challenges Lance faces and the discipline his sport requires. In college, however, I had no responsibilities to a husband or a family. It was easy to be selfish with my time and lifestyle.

Finding Time

Lance faces the difficulty of finding enough time for training and his family. His work as a personal trainer is also very demanding of his time, due to the fact that most people want to train very early in the morning or after work.

I have a hard time understanding Lance's priorities when he is preparing for a bodybuilding show. I have to remind myself that this three-to-four month period is only temporary!

Contest Prep

Time is not the only issue this wife and mother has with bodybuilding, though. The diet is also a challenge. I have what my husband humorously refers to as a "yuk-mouth". I love candy and snacks. Luckily, I have been blessed with a forgiving metabolism.

It is difficult for me to find time to work out with a six-month old baby and a full time job. I have never been disciplined with my diet. The fact that I am not bodybuilding doesn't excuse me from Lance's regimen, however. It is hard for him to be around me if I'm eating foods he has cut out due to preparation for a show.

I try to modify my diet out of consideration for him. To be quite honest, I also snack at work and when he is not home. It is kind of a family joke when Lance finds my hidden stashes of treats. It helps Lance if I snack on things he doesn't crave, though. Hard candy is definitely less tempting to him than chocolate, so I try to be sensitive in this way also. He also tries to be understanding of the fact that I am not a bodybuilder. It's all about compromise and supporting each other.

After The Show

After his shows, Lance returns to "normal". He is less easily irritated and generally much nicer to be around. His diet is more family-friendly. My birthday is in late June, and he makes sure that he can enjoy cake with me after his show is over. I love my bodybuilder husband, but we both sacrifice for his sport.

So for any bodybuilder out there, I recommend a big hug for your significant other the minute you step off that stage! Don't forget to thank him or her for supporting you if you get a chance to give a victory speech. Lots of backrubs and flowers work nicely, too. Just kidding!

Tonya Sganzini
Wife of 1999 Mr. Idaho