Do you need a routine to add some serious slabs of mass to your body? If you do then this is the plan to trick your body into some super gains! You will focus on supersets for two weeks with this plan to shock your muscles into sizeable gains!
A superset is performed when you work one muscle group, then immediately go to work on the opposing muscle group (within the same set) to shock the muscles involved into growth. As with any routine, you do not want to perform the same one all the time. Mix in different routines constantly to constantly trick your muscles into explosive gains!
Warning: The following plan is for the advanced lifter!
Meal Plan
8 meals-per-day 2-3 hours apart/drink only water/eat until satisfied and not full/do not miss meals/eat your bodyweight in protein.
- Meal 1: Oatmeal and protein shake
- Meal 2: Protein shake and apple
- Meal 3: Lean meat and veggies and brown rice or sweet potato
- Meal 4: Protein shake and pear
- Meal 5: Post-workout shake
- Meal 6: Lean white meat or fish and green veggies and brown rice or sweet potato
- Meal 7: Protein shake or bar
- Meal 8: Protein shake or bar
Recommended Cardio
Light intensity treadmill with a longer duration as needed to stay pretty tight, maybe 2-3 times per week.
Recommended Workouts
Day 1: Chest and Mid-Upper Back
Goal: To blow the chest out forward and then to next blow the back up backward.
Muscles worked: Total chest and total back.
- Set 1: Flat Bench Press and Standing Bent-over Row: 8-10 reps
- Set 2: Flat Bench Press and Standing Bent-over Row: 8-10 reps
- Set 3: Flat Bench Press and Standing Bent-over Row: 8-10 reps
- Set 4: Flat Bench Press and Standing Bent-over Row: 8-10 reps
Goal: To blow the upper chest out and up and then to expand the V-shape or back.
Muscles worked: Upper and middle chest and lats.
- Set 1: Incline Bench Press and Lat Pull-down: 8-10 reps
- Set 2: Incline Bench Press and Lat Pull-down: 8-10 reps
- Set 3: Incline Bench Press and Lat Pull-down: 8-10 reps
- Set 4: Incline Bench Press and Lat Pull-down: 8-10 reps
Goal: To widen the chest and form an outer roundness to the chest and then to expand the muscles in between the ribs to exaggerate the width of the V-shape/lats.
Muscles worked: Upper/outer chest and serratus anterior—rib meat—and lats).
- Set 1: Incline Dumbbell Flyes and Dumbbell Pull-overs: 8-10 reps
- Set 2: Incline Dumbbell Flyes and Dumbbell Pull-overs: 8-10 reps
- Set 3: Incline Dumbbell Flyes and Dumbbell Pull-overs: 8-10 reps
- Set 4: Incline Dumbbell Flyes and Dumbbell Pull-overs: 8-10 reps
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Day 2: Biceps and Triceps
Goal: To get the biceps bulging and explode the triceps.
Muscles worked: Short head of biceps and outside of triceps.
- Set 1: Standing Barbell Curls and Weighted Dips: 8-10 reps
- Set 2: Standing Barbell Curls and Weighted Dips: 8-10 reps
- Set 3: Standing Barbell Curls and Weighted Dips: 8-10 reps
- Set 4: Standing Barbell Curls and Weighted Dips: 8-10 reps
Goal: To get the biceps bulging and explode the triceps.
Muscles worked: Long head of biceps and upper/inside of triceps.
- Set 1: Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls and Reverse-Grip Straight-Bar Press-downs: 8-10 reps
- Set 2: Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls and Reverse-Grip Straight-Bar Press-downs: 8-10 reps
- Set 3: Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls and Reverse-Grip Straight-Bar Press-downs: 8-10 reps
- Set 4: Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls and Reverse-Grip Straight-Bar Press-downs: 8-10 reps
Click here for printable workout log!
Day 3: Abs and Low Back + Under Forearms (curl) and Top of Forearms (extend)
Goal: To thicken the abs and build and strengthen the lower back.
Muscles worked: All abs and lower back.
- Set 1: Hanging Knee Raises w/ Dumbbell and Hyperextensions w/ 25 lb plate: 8-10 reps
- Set 2: Hanging Knee Raises w/ Dumbbell and Hyperextensions w/ 25 lb plate: 8-10 reps
- Set 3: Hanging Knee Raises w/ Dumbbell and Hyperextensions w/ 25 lb plate: 8-10 reps
- Set 4: Hanging Knee Raises w/ Dumbbell and Hyperextensions w/ 25 lb plate: 8-10 reps
Goal: To thicken the forearms.
Muscles worked: Forearms bottom and top.
- Set 1: Top of Forearm on Thigh, Dumbbell Wrist Curls and Bottom of Forearm on Thigh Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Curls: 8-10 reps
- Set 2: Top of Forearm on Thigh, Dumbbell Wrist Curls and Bottom of Forearm on Thigh Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Curls: 8-10 reps
- Set 3: Top of Forearm on Thigh, Dumbbell Wrist Curls and Bottom of Forearm on Thigh Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Curls: 8-10 reps
- Set 4: Top of Forearm on Thigh, Dumbbell Wrist Curls and Bottom of Forearm on Thigh Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Curls: 8-10 reps
Click here for printable workout log!
Day 4: Quads and Hamstrings
Goal: To blow-up quads and blow-out hamstrings.
Muscles worked: Quads and hamstrings.
- Set 1: Leg Extensions and Leg Curls: 8-10 reps
- Set 2: Leg Extensions and Leg Curls: 8-10 reps
- Set 3: Leg Extensions and Leg Curls: 8-10 reps
- Set 4: Leg Extensions and Leg Curls: 8-10 reps
Goal: To blow-up quads and blow-out hamstrings.
Muscles worked: Quads and hamstrings.
- Set 1: Feet Close Together Leg Presses and Romanian Deadlifts: 8-10 reps
- Set 2: Feet Close Together Leg Presses and Romanian Deadlifts: 8-10 reps
- Set 3: Feet Close Together Leg Presses and Romanian Deadlifts: 8-10 reps
- Set 4: Feet Close Together Leg Presses and Romanian Deadlifts: 8-10 reps
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Day 5: Shoulders, Calves, and Shins
Goal: To get cannonball delts and huge traps.
Muscles worked: Front, middle, and rear shoulders and traps.
- Set 1: Barbell Clean and Press and Bent-Over Rear Dumbbell Laterals: 8-10 reps
- Set 2: Barbell Clean and Press and Bent-Over Rear Dumbbell Laterals: 8-10 reps
- Set 3: Barbell Clean and Press and Bent-Over Rear Dumbbell Laterals: 8-10 reps
- Set 4: Barbell Clean and Press and Bent-Over Rear Dumbbell Laterals: 8-10 reps
Goal: To get cannon ball delts and huge traps
Muscles worked: Front, middle, and rear shoulders and traps
- Set 1: Seated Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises and Seated Dumbbell Shrugs: 8-10 reps
- Set 2: Seated Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises and Seated Dumbbell Shrugs: 8-10 reps
- Set 3: Seated Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises and Seated Dumbbell Shrugs: 8-10 reps
- Set 4: Seated Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises and Seated Dumbbell Shrugs: 8-10 reps
Goal: To get huge calves and shins.
Muscles worked: Front, middle, and rear of calves and shins.
- Set 1 : Toe Presses w/ Heels-in, Straight, and Out on a Leg Press Machine and Standing Flat Footed on Floor Front of the Feet Raises: 8-10 reps
- Set 2: Toe Presses w/ Heels-in, Straight, and Out on a Leg Press Machine and Standing Flat Footed on Floor Front of the Feet Raises: 8-10 reps
- Set 3: Toe Presses w/ Heels-in, Straight, and Out on a Leg Press Machine and Standing Flat Footed on Floor Front of the Feet Raises: 8-10 reps
- Set 4: Toe Presses w/ Heels-in, Straight, and Out on a Leg Press Machine and Standing Flat Footed on Floor Front of the Feet Raises: 8-10 reps
Click here for printable workout log!