This is an old program I wrote some time ago for many of my clients who were just getting into this type of training. This program does not use chains or bands because we did not use them at the time. I still use it as an introduction training program.
Week 1
Day 1
(Max Effort Squat Day)
Good Mornings
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
Glute Ham Raises (3 sets/10 reps)
Stress the eccentric, try to get a four count on they way down.
Reverse Hyperextensions (3 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10-15 reps)
Straight Leg Raises (5 sets/15 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 2
(Max Effort Bench Day)
Board Press
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
Lying Barbell Tricep Extensions (6 sets/10 reps)
Push Downs (3 sets/10 reps)
Using the small strap
One Arm Press (3 sets/15 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 3
(Dynamic Effort Squat Day)
Box Squats
- (10 sets/2 reps)
This with 50% of 1RM. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets)
Reverse Hyperextensions (3 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
One Leg Squats (4 sets/10 reps)
With each leg.
Dumbbell Rows (4 sets/6 reps)
Barbell Shrugs (3 sets/15 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 4
(Dynamic Effort Bench Day)
Bench Press
- (10 sets/3 reps)
This with 60% of 1RM. Use three different grips. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets)
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (4 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Dumbbell Side Raises (3 sets/10 reps)
Bent Over Dumbbell Side Raises (3 sets/10 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Week 2
Day 1
(Max Effort Squat Day)
Good Mornings
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
Glute Ham Raises (3 sets/8 reps)
Stress the eccentric, try to get a four count on they way down.
Reverse Hyperextensions (3 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10-15 reps)
Straight Leg Raises (3 sets/20 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 2
(Max Effort Bench Day)
Board Press
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
Lying Barbell Tricep Extensions (6 sets/10 reps)
Push Downs (3 sets/10 reps)
Using the small strap
One Arm Press (3 sets/15 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 3
(Dynamic Effort Squat Day)
Box Squats
- (10 sets/2 reps)
This with 54% of 1RM. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets)
Reverse Hyperextensions (3 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
One Leg Squats (4 sets/10 reps)
With each leg.
Dumbbell Rows (4 sets/6 reps)
Barbell Shrugs (3 sets/15 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 4
(Dynamic Effort Bench Day)
Bench Press
- (10 sets/3 reps)
This with 60% of 1RM. Use three different grips. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets)
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (4 sets/8 reps)
Dumbbell Side Raises (3 sets/10 reps)
Bent Over Dumbbell Side Raises (3 sets/10 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Week 3
Day 1
(Max Effort Squat Day)
Good Mornings
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
Glute Ham Raises (3 sets/3 reps)
Stress the eccentric, try to get a four count on they way down.
Reverse Hyperextensions (3 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10-15 reps)
Straight Leg Raises (3 sets/20 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 2
(Max Effort Bench Day)
Board Press
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
Lying Barbell Tricep Extensionss (6 sets/10 reps)
Push Downs (3 sets/10 reps)
Using the small strap
One Arm Press (3 sets/15 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 3
(Dynamic Effort Squat Day)
Box Squats
- (10 sets/2 reps)
This with 56% of 1RM. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets)
Reverse Hyperextensions (3 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
One Leg Squats (4 sets/10 reps)
With each leg.
Dumbbell Rows (4 sets/6 reps)
Barbell Shrugs (3 sets/15 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 4
(Dynamic Effort Bench Day)
Bench Press
- (10 sets/3 reps)
This with 60% of 1RM. Use three different grips. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets)
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (4 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Dumbbell Side Raises (3 sets/10 reps)
Bent Over Dumbbell Side Raises (3 sets/10 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Week 4
Day 1
(Max Effort Squat Day)
Low Box Squat
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
Glute Ham Raises (3 sets/3 reps)
Stress the eccentric, try to get a four count on they way down.
Reverse Hyperextensions (3 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10-15 reps)
Partial Deadlifts (3 sets/20 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 2
(Max Effort Bench Day)
Floor Press
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
JM Press (Up to: 2 sets/3 reps)
Incline Dumbbell Press (2 sets/10 reps)
Using the small strap
Seated Dumbbell Cleans (4 sets/8 reps)
Straight Leg Raises (5 sets/15 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 3
(Dynamic Effort Squat Day)
Box Squats
- (10 sets/2 reps)
This with 60% of 1RM. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets) After your sets of box squats work up to a heavy double. This is not a maximum attempt so do not miss the attempts.
Reverse Hyperextensions (5 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Chest Supported Rows (4 sets/8 reps)
Glute Ham Raise (3 sets/6 reps)
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 4
(Dynamic Effort Bench Day)
Bench Press
- (10 sets/3 reps)
This with 60% of 1RM. Use three different grips. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets)
Close Grip Bench Press (Up to: 2 sets/3 reps)
One Arm Dumbbell Extensions (3 sets/10 reps)
Front Plate Raises (3 sets/10 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Week 5
Day 1
(Max Effort Squat Day)
Low Box Squat
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
Glute Ham Raises (5 sets/5 reps)
Stress the eccentric, try to get a four count on they way down.
Reverse Hyperextensions (3 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10-15 reps)
Partial Deadlifts (3 sets/20 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 2
(Max Effort Bench Day)
Floor Press
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
JM Press (Up to: 2 sets/3 reps)
Incline Dumbbell Press (2 sets/10 reps)
Seated Dumbbell Cleans (4 sets/8 reps)
Straight Leg Raises (5 sets/15 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 3
(Dynamic Effort Squat Day)
Box Squats
- (10 sets/2 reps)
This with 50% of 1RM. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets)
Reverse Hyperextensions (5 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Chest Supported Rows (4 sets/8 reps)
Glute Ham Raise (3 sets/6 reps)
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 4
(Dynamic Effort Bench Day)
Bench Press
- (10 sets/3 reps)
This with 60% of 1RM. Use three different grips. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets) After your sets of box squats work up to a heavy double. This is not a maximum attempt so do not miss the attempts.
Close Grip Bench Press (Up to: 2 sets/3 reps)
One Arm Dumbbell Extensions (3 sets/10 reps)
Front Plate Raises (3 sets/10 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Week 6
Day 1
(Max Effort Squat Day)
Low Box Squat
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
Glute Ham Raises (5 sets/5 reps)
Stress the eccentric, try to get a four count on they way down.
Reverse Hyperextensions (3 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10-15 reps)
Partial Deadlifts (3 sets/20 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 2
(Max Effort Bench Day)
Floor Press
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
JM Press (Up to: 2 sets/3 reps)
Incline Dumbbell Press (2 sets/10 reps)
Using the small strap
Seated Dumbbell Cleans (4 sets/8 reps)
Straight Leg Raises (5 sets/15 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 3
(Dynamic Effort Squat Day)
Box Squats
- (10 sets/2 reps)
This with 52% of 1RM. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets)
Reverse Hyperextensions (5 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Chest Supported Rows (4 sets/8 reps)
Glute Ham Raise (3 sets/6 reps)
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 4
(Dynamic Effort Bench Day)
Bench Press
- (10 sets/3 reps)
This with 60% of 1RM. Use three different grips. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets)
Close Grip Bench Press (Up to: 2 sets/3 reps)
One Arm Dumbbell Extensions (3 sets/10 reps)
Front Plate Raises (3 sets/10 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Week 7
Day 1
(Max Effort Squat Day)
Low Box Squat
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
Glute Ham Raises (5 sets/5 reps)
Reverse Hyperextensions (3 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10-15 reps)
Lunges (4 sets/10 reps)
For each leg.
Click here for printable workout.
Day 2
(Max Effort Bench Day)
Ball Press
- (3 sets/20 reps)
Average rest period is approximately 5 min.
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press (5 sets/10 reps)
Incline Barbell Tricep Extensions (5 sets/6 reps)
Face Pulls (5 sets/15 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 3
(Dynamic Effort Squat Day)
Box Squats
- (10 sets/2 reps)
This with 54% of 1RM. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets) After your sets of box squats work up to a heavy double. This is not a maximum attempt so do not miss the attempts.
Reverse Hyperextensions (4 sets/8 reps)
Glute Ham Raise (4 sets/15 reps)
Pull Downs (3 sets/8 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 4
(Dynamic Effort Bench Day)
Bench Press
- (10 sets/3 reps)
This with 60% of 1RM. Use three different grips. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets) After your sets of box squats work up to a heavy double. This is not a maximum attempt so do not miss the attempts.
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (4 sets/6 reps)
Reverse Grip Push Downs (3 sets/15 reps)
Front - Side - Rear Delt Combo Raise (2 sets/60 reps)
20 reps for each raise.
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Week 8
Day 1
(Max Effort Squat Day)
Good Morning Squats
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
Glute Ham Raises (5 sets/5 reps)
Reverse Hyperextensions (3 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10-15 reps)
Lunges (4 sets/10 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 2
(Max Effort Bench Day)
Floor Press
Warm up doing sets of three reps until you feel that you can no longer perform three reps. At this point drop the reps to one and continuing working up to a one rep max.
JM Press (Up to: 2 sets/3 reps)
Average res period is approximately 5 min.
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press (5 sets/10 reps)
Incline Barbell Tricep Extensions (5 sets/6 reps)
Face Pulls (5 sets/15 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 3
(Dynamic Effort Squat Day)
Box Squats
- (10 sets/2 reps)
This with 62% of 1RM. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets)
Reverse Hyperextensions (5 sets/8 reps)
Using the small strap.
Glute Ham Raise (4 sets/15 reps)
Pull Downs (3 sets/8 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Day 4
(Dynamic Effort Bench Day)
Bench Press
- (10 sets/3 reps)
This with 60% of 1RM. Use three different grips. (45 to 60 sec rest between sets)
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (4 sets/6 reps)
Reverse Grip Push Downs (3 sets/15 reps)
Front - Side - Rear Delt Combo Raise (2 sets/60 reps)
20 reps for each raise.
Pull Down Abs (5 sets/10 reps)
Click here for printable workout.
Week 9
Day 1
(Max Day - near the end of the week)
Box Squat
- Work up to a 1 rep max.
Bench Press Work up to a 1 rep max.
* These maxes will be used as the 1RM for the next eight week cycle.
Extra Information
1RM - Calculate Your One Rep Max
Calculator |
Enter the amount of weight you lifted (Lbs/Kg) and the number of reps you completed. Your One Rep Max (1 RM) will appear at the bottom left, and your various percentages of 1 RM will appear on the right side.
Another Method |
Reps | %1RM |
1 | 100 |
2 | 95 |
3 | 90 |
4 | 88 |
5 | 86 |
6 | 83 |
7 | 80 |
8 | 78 |
9 | 76 |
10 | 75 |
11 | 72 |
12 | 70 |
USING THE TABLE: This is how you use the table. Find the number of reps to concentric failure that you can perform with a certain weight. In other words, if you can only do eight reps with a certain weight and could not possible do another full rep, that is your point of failure. Find the percentage associated with that number of repetitions from the table above.
Now, divide the weight that you can do by that percentage using decimals (83 percent equals .83) and that will give you an approximation of your one repetition maximum. For example, if you can perform 10 reps with 175 lbs. in the bench press, that means that 175 lbs. is 75% (0.75) of your one repetition maximum. So you would take 175 divided by .75 and that would equal 233 lbs. You should probably use your calculator, we knew a guy who did it in his head and said he could bench 3000 lbs. Good luck!