Body Transformation: Growing Gaunt-let

Tired of heckling peers and little attention from ladies, Andrew committed to a lifestyle change. He found a workout partner and used the incoming negativity to add serious mass!

Name: Andrew Gaunt
BodySpace: DiizzyV2

Andrew Gaunt Andrew Gaunt
AGE 14
125 lbs
AGE 17
160 lbs

Why I Decided To Transform

Insults were thrown at me day after day for the better part of my early teenage years. I was fed up with girls not being attracted to me, but even worse, being stronger than me. I had the confidence of a doughnut (probably because that's all I ate). It wasn't until I met my workout partner and my best friend that I finally got serious about working out.

As soon as I got the smallest taste of results, I was completely addicted. I poured my soul into the research of nutrition, training, and supplementation. Girls began to stare and guys began to wish they had what I have. The same guys who made fun of me shut their mouths.

How I Accomplished My Goals

I credit my success to my best friend, Jordan, who competes with me to push our limits. If he goes for one more rep, I go for two. If he wants to run another mile, I push myself to run two more.

The constant competition made us better friends and gave us a training edge over most people our age.

There are days when I'm sick of going to the gym, but I refuse to let my workout partner down. With his help, I'm able to break through mental barriers and better myself each and every day.

What Aspect Challenged Me The Most

I struggled with my diet for the longest time. Most people think eating healthy is the hard part. For me, it was the complete opposite. I thought I could gain weight by cutting out fat, bad food, and sticking to chicken and rice.

I thought I could gain weight by eating around 2,000 calories and running nearly five miles a day. It wasn't until I talked to a weightlifting coach at my school that I realized I needed to embrace macronutrients and cut out processed, sugary foods.

My Future Fitness Plans

I'm planning to join the Army and become a combat medic. From there, I'd like to get a degree in exercise physiology or athletic training.

Fitness has become a huge part of my life. I desperately want to help and direct other highly motivated weightlifters.

Suggestions For Aspiring Transformers

Here's my advice to young skinny guys looking to pack on some size and muscle:

  • You don't grow in the gym, you grow in kitchen. So get cooking!
  • Don't kill yourself in the gym. Slow your roll.
  • Stop overtraining. Everybody does it at some point. Know your limits.
  • Let grow of your pride. Smart lifting is better than heavy lifting.
  • Pour your soul into working out. The more you know the more you'll be motivated.

How Helped Me Reach My Goals provides quality supplements that I can rely on. The training programs and with a library of articles is amazing. I spend about an hour a day on this site researching and learning as much as possible.