Eight Week Mass Attack: Day 46!

This morning was shoulder day, and I was really stoked about blasting them really hard but the pain in my left shoulder is back, nothing to bad but it has affected the amount of weight I can use.

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All-Out 8-Week Mass Attack. No Holds Barred.
Day # 46 of 56 - 03-04-02

This morning was shoulder day, and I was really stoked about blasting them really hard but the pain in my left shoulder is back, nothing to bad but it has affected the amount of weight I can use on my main pressing movements. Which really sucks because one of my main goals for they cycle was to get up to 315lbs on Military press but that is just not going to happen yet.

Military press - 3 warm up sets, 1x10 - 135lbs, 1x8 - 185lbs, 1x6 - 225lbs, 1x10 - 155lbs
Upright rows - 1x10 - 135lbs, 1x6 - 185lbs, 1x10 - 135lbs
Seated dumbbell press - 2x10 - 80lbs
Bent laterals - 2x12 - 50lbs
Side laterals - 1x10 - 35lbs, 1x10 - 40lbs
Cable side laterals - 1x10 - 30lbs, 1x6 - 40lbs, 1x10 - 20lbs (last set was a drop set)
Cable upright rows - 1x12 - 110lbs, 1x12 - 130lbs
Shrugs behind the back - 1x20 - 225lbs
Shrugs - 1x10 - 315lbs, 1x10 - 405lbs
Hammer curls - 1x10 - 40lbs, 2x6 - 120lbs, 1x10 - 45lbs
Reverse curls - 2x10 - 120lbs
Wrist curls - 3x20 - 135lbs
Wrist twists - 2x20 - 40lbs

After this week I only have one week left on this cycle, which kind of saddens me due to the awesome gains in strength I have had. I have increased lifts each week for the past 6 weeks and that is pretty darn good. Once this cycle is finished I will go into a maintenance phase until my wife has our new baby, which should be in late April.

Once the new family addition gets here and things settle down I will begin the Higher Power Trenabol-X cycle for 4 weeks. I have 17 months until the Muscle Mania in 2003 so from this point on I will do an all out 4 week mass stack then go right into a 4 week hardening type phase, not a diet but just harden up the new mass.