6 Resolution Recovery Tactics: Stay The Course!

If your New Year's resolution is in danger of crashing into bits, read this! These six tips will help you find your way back to safe waters and on your way toward reaching your goals.

New Year's resolutions are easy to keep for the first couple of weeks. You're still motivated, excited, and totally sure that this year is going to be the year. However, as time presses forward, your "goal train" can begin to lose steam. Although it's common, and probably bound to happen, slowing momentum doesn't have to turn into a full-on breakdown.

To stay on the wagon, you should constantly check in with yourself. You should also read these six tips—they'll help you stay on course and find results!

1 / Re-Evaluate Your Resolution

It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of the New Year's season and set a resolution that may be out of reach. You need to look your resolution in the face and double check to make sure it's something you can potentially do.

Evaluating where you are and what you want is an important part of any good resolution plan.

2 / Break Things Down

If your initial goal turns out to be too lofty, you can always scale it back. Perhaps you set the goal to run a half marathon or lose 20 pounds. These are admirable goals, but they take a lot of time and effort.

Rather than setting a large, long-term goal, break it off into sizable chunks. Instead of signing up for a half-marathon, try competing in a 5k race. After you do that, sign up for a 10k. Focus on your half marathon after you meet a couple smaller goals. Rather than hopping on the scale every day to check your weight, make a goal to go to the gym three times per week or lower your sugar intake.

This technique will help you feel like you're making progress. Smaller goals, and their small successes, enable you to continue concentration and persistence through the lifelong changes you resolved to attain.

3 / Reward Yourself For Effort

When things seem to fall apart and you're nowhere near reaching the goal you set for yourself, it might be time to reward yourself for putting forth effort. Try this: make a deal with yourself that if you go to the gym five days in the coming week, then you get to treat yourself to a movie night with a friend. Just don't add the 44-ounce soda; that's not a treat; it's poison.

You don't have to worry about how much weight or how many inches you lose, yet you still need to reward yourself for making healthy habits.

Be careful: be honest with yourself about your effort. Just going to the gym doesn't count. If you go too easy on yourself, you might undo some of the progress you already made.

4 / Talk To Someone

When times are hard, sometimes the most beneficial thing you can do is talk to someone, often a stranger. Chatting with a supportive friend (online or in person) can help you overcome your worries, struggles, and anxiety.

Additionally, sometimes simply admitting that you're having a hard time can make the problem easier to overcome. When we constantly ruminate about the negative, it's difficult to see the positive. Discussion with another person provides a different perspective. During your fitness excursion, schedule some time with a friend to talk about your goals, small steps you've taken, and how you feel about them. You will get to know yourself and your goals much better.

5 / Seek Professional Help

Whether this professional is a personal trainer, a psychologist, a dietician, or otherwise, having educated support can be just what you need to make your resolution a reality.

If you attempted a diet on your own for example, but don't know the right approach and aren't losing any weight, you may want to schedule a meeting with a nutritionist. There's nothing to be ashamed about—professional athletes have a whole posse of coaches, dietitians, and trainers to help them progress.

6 / Try A New Method

Perhaps you started a weightlifting program for the first time. Instead of enjoying it like you thought you would, it may turn out that you're not being honest with yourself. If you hate your time in the gym and only go when you can't think of an excuse not to, find something you enjoy. Try alternatives such as kickboxing, a boot camp, or hiring a trainer, until you find something that clicks for you.

Although it's unhelpful to make constant changes to your program, occasional adjustments can be beneficial if they still support your goals. If you like what you're doing, your workouts will be a million times easier and more fun.