Background was started in 1995 as a place where bodybuilding fans could come, talk about various subjects, and learn about the history, contest results, articles, and other newsworthy subjects related to bodybuilding. Over the years, it has developed into a monster project, although Ron still runs it as a fan for the bodybuilding, figure and fitness community. The site was, and still is a passion that Ron keeps updating on his spare time. While not the only site Ron runs, it is one of his favorites.

For 50 hours a week or so, Ron works for DNA Sports Nutrition, a company located in Southern California, which distributes a multitude of sports nutrition items to the wholesale industry, from gyms, to sports nutrition stores, to low carb stores, to military bases, which brands includes American Body Building Products, Next Proteins, Muscletech, and 40 other sport nutrition brands. Here he is pictured with his wife, Lori.

He can be contacted at [email protected].


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