What Is The Best Lunch Time Workout?

What is the best lunch time workout? Find out what other people from the message boards think ...

TOPIC: What Is The Best Lunch Time Workout?

The Question:

What is the best lunch time workout?

So you are a busy person, you don't have a lot of time during the day and would like to build the body of your dreams. With kids, work, bills to pay, laundry, your mother-in-law visiting on a daily basis, when are you supposed to workout? LUNCH TIME!

Should you perform a full body or split body workout routine? Why? Include the most effective sample workouts with sets and reps.

What is the most effective workout you can do in the gym? What about outside the gym (home, park, hotel, etc.)? Include the most effective sample workouts with sets and reps.

Bonus Question: What is the best pre-workout meal before lunch? After lunch? Give details.

Show off your knowledge to the world!

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      1. DSM18

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      2. sword chucks

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      3. nextteenamateur

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      3. Poppa Pump

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      3. ravadongon

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      1st place - 50 in store credit.

1st Place - DSM18

So you are a busy person, you don't have a lot of time during the day and would like to build the body of your dreams. With kids, work, bills to pay, laundry, your mother-in-law visiting on a daily basis, when are you supposed to workout? LUNCH TIME!

Full Body Or Split?
Should You Perform A Full Body Or Split Routine? Why? Include The Most Effective Sample Workouts With Sets And Reps.

When time isn't so much of an issue, I would recommend both training approaches for different goals. Both splits definitely work, but some situations call for different measures. As a result of our time restraints, to only training during our lunch breaks, I would opt for the split approach.

Firstly, if you chose to use a full body approach, your overall workout time generally lasts a lot longer than our time here allows us for. When I was using full-body workouts myself, they would generally last 1 1/2 to 2 hours. You have a lot of body parts to get through all in the one workout - legs, back, chest, delts, etc.

Hitting each muscle well would be too hard in such a short time. With a split, you will have the fortune to work each individually and in a time frame that fits around your hectic schedule.

Secondly, and probably most importantly, a split routine is more conductive towards recovery. You can easily construct effective workouts that last between 30-40 minutes. You will most likely be training each muscle just once a week too, giving muscles that whole week they need to fully recover, rebuild tissue and grow. Better recovery means better results.

Thirdly, it simply makes more sense to use a split routine. You can't train full body workouts consecutively from Monday to Friday. Using a full body workout daily wouldn't get you far either. On the other hand, you can use a split every weekday, or even 4 days a week during the week.

To View Training Splits Articles, Click Here.

And finally, if using a full-body split, you have a lot of body parts to cover, and doing it all in a short 30-40 minute time frame wouldn't really allow for as much variety. This would mean only 1 exercise per muscle group, including major muscle groups like back and chest.

If you want to use a full-body split, there is a way around a few of these problems. I've included a sample altered full-body workout further on into the article, with a few simple changes that make it more time and recovery friendly. Overall, I'd still recommend the split though.

arrow Sample Routines:

Low Volume Approach:

The low volume approach that Mike Mentzer made famous, also known as High Intensity Interval Training, is ideal when time is short. HIIT workouts barely exceed 40 minutes; they are intense and very effective.

They focus mainly on compounds for and free weight movements for maximum mass. Some say this is the best way to train, so if lunchtime is the only time you have to train, you really may not be missing out on much.

Here are a couple of sample low volume workouts you might want to try:

Low Volume Training Program One:

      • Time: 35-40 mins.
      • Cycle: 4 day split.
      • Level: Intermediate-Advanced.
      • Goal: Mass.

Monday: Chest/Biceps

Incline Barbell Press

          : 2 sets, 4-6 reps

Flat Dumbbell Press

          : 2 sets, 4-6 reps

Flat Dumbbell Flyes

          : 2 sets, 6 reps

EZ-Bar Curls

          : 2 sets, 4-6 reps

Preacher Dumbbell Curls

          : 2 sets, 4-6 reps

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Monday: Chest/Biceps.

Tuesday: Back/Triceps


          : 3 sets, 4-6 reps

Weighted Chins

          : 2 sets, 4-6 reps

Barbell Rows

          : 2 sets, 4-6 reps

Close-Grip Bench

          : 2 sets, 4-6 reps


          : 2 sets, 4-6 reps

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Tuesday: Back/Triceps.



Thursday: Legs


          - 3 sets, 4-6 reps

Leg Press

          - 2 sets, 4-6 reps

Lying Leg Curls

          - 3 sets, 4-6 reps

Standing Machine Calf Raises

          - 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Donkey Calf Raises

          - 2 sets, 6-8 reps

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Thursday: Legs.

Friday: Delts/Traps/Abs

Side Lateral Raises

          : 2 sets, 4-6 reps

Overhead Barbell Presses

          : 2 sets, 4-6 reps

Bent-over Lateral Raises

          : 2 sets, 4-6 reps

Dumbbell Shrugs

          : 2 sets, 4-6 reps

Compound Set:
Weighted Crunches: 2 sets, 4-6 reps
Weighted Leg Raises: 2 sets, 4-6 reps

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Friday: Delts/Traps/Abs.

In the above workout, sets per body part were kept low. This ensures your workouts are at their highest intensity. It gives you just enough time for 1-2 minute breaks between sets as well. Sets per workout were also kept low to ensure you have enough time to get through the workout without running late for work.

4-6 reps go along with the whole high-intensity approach. Lower reps and shorter workouts combine to create an amazing anabolic environment within the trainer. With the addition of heavy, free weight exercises, your test levels will go through the roof.

Overall, the above workout should give you a quick, but intense workout.

Low Volume Training Program 2

      • Time: 35-50 mins.
      • Cycle: 5 day split.
      • Level: Intermediate-Advanced.
      • Goal: Overall physique.

Monday: Chest

Incline Barbell Bench Press

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Decline Dumbbell Press

          : 1 sets, 6-8 reps

Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Weighted Dips

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Cable Cross-overs

          : 1 sets, 8-10 reps

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Monday: Chest.

Tuesday: Back

Bent-knee Deadlifts

          : 3 sets, 6-8 reps

Weighted Chin-ups

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

T-bar Rows

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Seated Cable Rows

          : 1 sets, 6-8 reps

One-arm Dumbbell Rows

          : 1 sets, 6-8 reps

Weighted Wide-grip Pull-ups

          : 1 sets, 6-8 reps

Close-grip Pull-downs

          : 1 sets, 6-8 reps

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Tuesday: Back.

Wednesday: Delts & Abs

Dumbbell Overhead Presses

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Dumbbell Side Laterals

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Barbell Military Press

          : 1 sets, 6-8 reps

Bent-over lateral Raises

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Low-Pulley Side Lateral

          : 1 sets, 6-8 reps

Compound Set:
Weighted crunches: 2sets, 6-8 reps
Hanging Leg Raises: 2 sets, 6-8 reps

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Wednesday: Delts & Abs.

Thursday: Legs


          : 3 sets, 6-8 reps

Stiff-legged Deadlifts

          : 1 sets, 6-8 reps

Leg Extensions

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Lying Leg Curls

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Standing Machine Calf Raises

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Donkey Calf Raises

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Seated Calf Raises

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Thursday: Legs..

Friday: Biceps/Triceps

Close-grip Barbell presses

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Alternating Dumbbell Curls

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Two-arm Overhead Dumbbell Extensions

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Dumbbell Preacher Curls

          : 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Reverse Grip Tricep Press-downs

          : 1 sets, 6-8 reps

Incline Dumbbell Curls

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Friday: Biceps/Triceps.

This program is similar to Sample Program Number One. Each workout has between 9-12 sets, giving you just enough to complete it within your lunch break. Reps are also still low so we can maximize hormonal output.

I used this workout for 2 months mid last year, and put on some decent size from it. I noticed my back especially responded and grew like crazy. I recommend you give it a try, regardless of whether you are short for time or not.

Training Program 3: Full-Body 40 Minute Workout.

Full Body workouts hit everything in one go. This variation of the full-body workout prevents fatigue and ensures you are recovering and growing at your maximum. By alternating between two different workouts each session, it gives you both more variety and allows your muscles more of a rest because each session a different head of each muscle will be targeted.

It focuses on your main compound lifts, and using free weight for mass. Below are two full-body workouts. Simply alternate between the two each session.

      • Time: 35-40 mins.
      • Cycle: 3 day split i.e: Monday/Wednesday/Friday.
      • Level: Beginner-Intermediate.
      • Goal: Overall physique.

Workout A

Dumbbell Chest Press

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Bent-knee Deadlift

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps


          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Dumbbell Side Laterals

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

EZ-bar Curls

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Close-grip Bench Press

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Traditional Squats

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Stiff-legged Deadlifts

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Calf Raises

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Compound Set:
Cable Crunches: 1 set, 15 reps
Hanging Leg Raises: 1 set, 15 reps

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Workout A.

Workout B

Incline Barbell Press

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Bent-Knee Deadlift

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Barbell Rows

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Overhead Dumbbell Press

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Alternating Dumbbell Curls

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Lying Tricep Extensions

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Front Squats

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Seated Leg Extensions

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Donkey Calf Raise

          : 1 set, 6-8 reps

Compound Set:
Cable Crunches: 1 set, 15 reps
Hanging Leg Raises: 1 set, 15 reps

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Workout B.

There is just the one set for each exercise in the above workout. The total sets per workout are also low. So like the HIIT programs above, it hits your muscles hard, quick and with low sets. Reps are also low in the 6-8 range, so overall you will get a good hormonal response.

In & Out Of The Gym:
What Is The Most Effective Workout You Can Do In The Gym? What About Outside The Gym (home, park, hotel etc). Include The Most Effective Sample Workouts With Sets And Reps.

The most effective workout you can do in the gym when time is short is definitely HIIT. High Intensity Interval Training lasts no longer than 45 minutes. Seeing as though the average lunch break is 1 hour, it fits in perfectly into your busy schedule.

Best thing is you don't have to take an already establish training method and manipulate it to your liking. With HIIT, you are able to follow all the principles as they are.

The main reason they are so effective is that by using a lower volume, you are able to intensify your workouts. Weights used are heavier and bursts of energy stronger. When you don't have a lot of time, you need to make sure you're getting the most out of your workouts and HIIT does this.

Focusing on compound lifts allows you to recruit more body-parts in the shortest amount of time. Additionally, they allow you to handle heavy weight. When anyone thinks "big," they think "heavy," and training like this means you are using the exercises that allow you to really pack on the pounds and satisfy the ego at the same time.

Another goal of anyone with time constraints should be to maximize the most hormones in the least amount of time. And HIT definitely has that covered. Free weight exercises that these programs are centered on release twice as much GH as single joint movements.

arrow What If I Don't Have A Gym?

A lot of us don't have a gym nearby work, or just aren't members of gym. Or there are those of us who'd just prefer the opportunity to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of working out at a park at lunch time. Whatever your reason for not being able to hit the gym during lunch hours, there are still many alternatives for getting the body you want.

Here are few ways to keep in shape out of the gym.


This is probably the most obvious outdoor activity. Cardio should be a part of any fitness routine. Although cardio is not an alternative to working out, it still keeps our cardiovascular system in good shape. Cardio can be done either inside or outside the gym.

Outdoor Cardio Activities:

        • Mountain Biking.
        • Jogging.
        • Speed Rope.
        • Tennis, basketball, or any other sports.
        • Power Walking.

Cardio can be done at lunchtimes on days you aren't working out or on weekends. Because cardio sessions really only have to last 20 minutes to get benefits, it's not something that will really be a burden in terms of time.

2-3 times weekly is sufficient if you are looking for a good base of fitness.

Using Resistance Bands:

These are a great alternative to using weights. Resistance bands tone and strengthen the body. Workouts are short and sharp, and can fit into a busy schedule too. Resistance bands are great because they are compact and can be taken anywhere. They can easily fit into your suit case and can be taken to work for a lunchtime workout.

Resistance bands are also ideal for any sort of holiday when workout equipment and time are harder to find. This also means a new way to workout if you are stuck in a hotel room.

Calisthenics Training:

Calisthenics and bodyweight exercises are another good alternative when weights aren't available. They will give you a good muscle burn, while toning and strengthening your body. Like resistance bands, movements can imitate what would be done in the gym and workouts can be kept short and intense.

Body weight exercises are a major part of my everyday workout routines - chin-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, hyperextensions, etc. When I can't go the gym, whether I'm on a holiday or staying at relatives, I'll do a bodyweight routine; I'll explain later on in this article.

Yoga & Stretching:

These are for those looking for something less intense. Yoga is great for flexibility, strength and relaxation, and only has to be done for a few minutes each day.

A lot of people swear by Yoga's benefits. Stretching is similar to yoga, and should be a part of any complete routine. Both Yoga and Stretching can be done at home, at the park or while on holidays.

arrow Sample Workouts:

Workout One: Bodyweight Workout.

This is the workout I use when I don't have access to a gym. I take as little rest as I can during sets so I can the heart rate up. I like to keep total sets relatively high because I am able to handle the extra workout in the absence of any resistance. Reps are also higher for the same reason.

      • Time: 35 mins.
      • Cycle: 3 day split i.e: Monday/Wednesday/Friday.
      • Level: Intermediate-Advanced.
      • Goal: Overall physique.

Monday: Chest/Back

          Tri-set one: 3 tri-sets, 15 reps.


          - 6-8 reps here

Incline Push-ups

Tri-set two: 3 tri-sets, 15 reps.
Dips Between Chairs
Bodyweight Rows

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Monday: Chest/Back.

Wednesday: Delts, Arms, Abs

          Tri-set one: 4 tri-sets, 15 reps

Handstand push-ups

          - 6-8 reps here

Bench Dips
Close-grip Push-ups

Tri-set two: 3 tri-sets, 25 reps.
Lying Leg Raise
Twisting Crunch
Scissor Kicks

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Wednesday: Delts,Arms,Abs.

Friday: Legs

          Tri-set one: 4 sets, 20 reps

Step ups

          Donkey Calf Raises.



Tri-set two: 4 sets, 20 reps
Wall Squats
Hamstring Curls - with assistance - 6-8 reps here

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Friday: Legs.

Workout Two: Resistance Band Workout.

This is a great, quick full body routine using resistance bands. It can used anywhere as an alternative to weights.

      • Time: 45 mins.
      • Cycle: 3 day split ie: Monday/Wednesday/Friday.
      • Level: Beginner-Intermediate.
      • Goal: Overall physique, alternative to gym workout.

All exercises are 2 sets, 12-15 reps.

        • Chest press
        • Cross-overs
        • Seated rows
        • Reverse flyes
        • Overhead presses
        • Side laterals
        • Bicep curls
        • Overhead triceps extensions
        • Squats
        • Stiff-leg deadlifts
        • Calf raises

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Workout 2: Resistance Band Workout.

As time is generally short, we should get through the workout pretty quickly. High reps are used over lower reps as you don't have to take long breaks which would slow you down. But, also because most people who own resistance bands only own the one level of resistance, and this is usually light-medium weight. With lighter weight bands you can use higher reps.

Sets are also pretty high, but with less rest you should still be able to get through the workout in time.

What Is The Best Pre-Workout Meal Before Lunch? After Lunch? Give Details.


Your Pre-Workout Meal Should Consist Of:

A pre-workout meal will provide you with the fuel and glucose you body will able to use during your workout.

      • A good serving of carbohydrates - 50-70 grams
      • 25-35 grams of protein
      • small serve of fat

Some Other Guidelines To Eating Well Pre-Workout:

      • Eat 1 1/2 - 2 hours before your workout so your body has time to digest your meal.
      • Choose a meal that is low G.I, one that provides sustained energy so you don't burn out during training.
      • Take your supplements such as Guruana, B-Vitamins or creatine.

Some Pre-Workout Meal Ideas:

      • (If eating at desk) Handful of raw nuts or seeds, with an apple and a banana.
      • Tuna and salad sandwhich on whole-meal or wholegrain bread.
      • Protein bars or Protein shakes (Can be eaten closer to workout).


The role of this meal is to replenish your muscles with everything they lost during training. Glycogen levels will be low, so it's important a high G.I food is consumed. This also stops the release of cortisol that can cause muscle wastage and lead to overtraining and poor recovery.

Your Post Workout Meal Should Consist Of:

      • 75 grams of high glycemic index carbohydrates that ensure nutrients are reached to muscles quicker.
      • 35-50 grams of quick digesting protein to ensure your muscles are getting all the amino acids they need for recovery.
      • 15-20 grams of essential. Not too much that it slows down your digestion.

Some Other Guidelines To Eating Well Post Workout:

      • Always prepare your food intake so you save a fair amount of your food for the hours after working out. Here there is the biggest opportunity for growth as the muscles are ultra sensitive to nutrients.
      • Eat a meal directly after your workout. Possibly a protein shake, followed by another meal shortly afterward.
      • Like pre-workout, ensure you load up on supplements. It's more important than any other time. I would take an anti-oxidant to repair any cell-damage from training, an amino acid and protein/maltodextrin.

Some Post-Workout Meal Ideas:

        Straight after training: Whey protein shake with serve of maltodextrin.

1 hour after: A serving of animal-based protein, such as lean mean or turkey breast, with another high G.I carbohydrate such as brown rice or whole-meal bread.

People who are willing to workout at lunch time because of a busy lifestyle are very dedicated. I trust you can apply that dedication and work ethic into one of these sample routines I have provided. Sooner than later, you will realize that even on a tight-schedule, you can still get the body you always wanted.

Good luck!

2nd Place - sword chucks
Lunch Time Workouts - Getting the Job Done!

Let's talk about scheduling workouts! There are a good deal of activities that go into the average person's schedule every day. These are things that we have to do but are probably enjoyable and beneficial in some way.

Everybody's schedule is different, with free time scattered all over the place, but one thing that we all have in common is lunch time. Lunch time is usually considered an hour in which we can sit down, eat, play some games and relax.

However, lunch time is also a great time to fit in a quick workout, which can be useful for achieving any fitness goal you might want. This goal can be weight loss, muscle building, improving cardiovascular fitness or improving strength. Whatever it is that you wish to do, 30-to-45 minutes of your lunch break is plenty of time to get it done.

I am going to present a lunch-time workout plan that will help you to achieve any of the goals that I listed above. I consider this a lunch-time workout because it is going to be short but packed with effective exercises so that your time in the gym is most efficient.

Lunch Time Split Workouts!

When you are spending a short time period in the gym each day that you work out, you need to make sure each minute in the gym is efficient. I want you to spend no more that 45 minutes of your lunch break in the gym - but come close to that number!

arrow Doing Enough Work:

Since you won't be spending long amounts of time in the gym you won't be doing many sets per workout either. The way to balance this out is to increase the frequency with which you work out. As long as you get roughly the right amount of sets in per muscle per week for this routine, you can split the workout into training each muscle once, twice or three times a week.

I usually recommend 10-to-15 sets for every larger muscle group and 8-to-12 sets for every smaller muscle group. I am also going to have you train each muscle about two times per week.

To keep the workouts in the gym short, you are going to be sure that you don't hit too many different muscle groups while you are in the gym. Otherwise, you would spend too much time even doing simple things like warming up and cooling down every muscle!

The way I organize the muscle groups for you, into push, pull and legs categories, minimizes the amount of time you spend in the gym warming up, because once you warm-up the largest muscle group in the category, the rest of the muscles don't need time to be warmed up!

Push workouts involve the chest, shoulders and triceps. You are first going to train the chest. By training the chest, you bring in the shoulders and triceps secondarily, so those muscles are already being warmed up when you warm-up your chest.

The same goes for the pull workout and the leg workout. When you start your pull workout off by training the lats, the biceps and trapezius are also warmed up in the process. When you perform thigh training, you warm-up the entire lower body for performing isolation movements on the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and abdominals.

arrow Training Frequency:

Now, how many times a week am I sending you to the gym? I am going to have you go to the gym four times every week. This is because this leaves a few days for you to relax during your lunch break, catch up on a little bit of work or even throw in some cardiovascular training.

Even though you have lunch every day, I won't make you train every day! This is because when you train the muscles too much, they aren't allowed to recover and progress in strength and size as you would want them to. Four days a week with a push/pull/legs rotation means that each muscle gets 4-to-6 days of recovery before it is trained again.

Since I am having you rotate through three different workouts, but training in the gym with weights four days every week, your schedule will be changing from week to week. Below I have outlined your schedule for training:

Your First Week Will Go Like This:


          - Push Workout


          - Pull Workout


          - Lunch Break to Yourself!


          - Legs Workout


          - Push Workout (see, it is repeating now)

Saturday & Sunday

          - Lunch Break to Yourself!

Your Second Week Will Go Like This:


          - Pull workout (we don't start this week with push workout, instead we go to the workout after that!)


          - Legs Workout


          - Lunch Break to Yourself!


          - Push Workout


          - Pull Workout

Saturday & Sunday

          - Lunch Break to yourself!

Your Third Week Will Look Like This:


          - Legs Workout


          - Push Workout


          - Lunch Break to Yourself!


          - Pull Workout


          - Legs Workout

Saturday & Sunday

          - Lunch Break to yourself!

After your third week, the rotation repeats itself. Even though it seems complicated, it really isn't. This frequency of training is efficient because it allows plenty of recovery, but not a full week like most splits do. A full week is too much recovery and will not produce results as fast as you could get if you train with a higher frequency.

The Lunch-Time Workout Split:

Now, what am I going to have you do while you are in the gym? Below, I am going to outline the sets, repetitions and exercises that the program will work best with.

Push Workout:

          Dumbbell Bench Press, 3 sets x 6-9 reps

          Incline Dumbbell Bench Press, 2 x 6-9

Cable Flyes

          , 2 x 10

Barbell Military press

          , 3 x 6-9

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

          , 2 x 10

          Lying Triceps Extensions, 3 x 10

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Push Workout.

Pull Workout:




          , 3 set x 6-9 reps

          Seated Cable Row, 3 x 6-9

Straight-Arm Pull-down

          , 2 x 10

Dumbbell Shrug

          , 2 x 10

Straight Bar Curl

          , 3 x 6-9

Dumbbell Hammer Curl

          , 3 x 6-9

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Pull Workout.

Legs Workout

          Barbell Squats, 3 sets x 6-9 reps

          Leg Press, 3 x 6-9

Stiff-leg Deadlift

          , 2 x 10

          Standing Calf Raise, 4 x 15


          , 4 x 15

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Legs Workout.

Rest 45-to-75 seconds in between sets and make sure that you get them all done!

With these workouts, I am minimizing the length of each workout in a few ways. First, I am having you perform each workout starting with the most intense movements, so that the exercises following will not need a warm-up. I also have you doing no more than 6 different exercises per workout.

Because you are not running around from station to station, you will be able to get all of your sets done with time to spare. When you perform many different exercises, it takes time to move from one to the next and get everything such as weights and equipment set up for your exercise, and that time could be better spent just hitting each muscle group with more intense sets!

The repetition range is 6-9 in most areas because 6-9 repetitions is the best range for overall progress in strength, fitness, and for people trying to lose weight. It isn't too many (so that the muscle isn't properly overloaded), but it also isn't too little of repetitions, which would not allow the muscle to be fully stimulated.

A Full-Body Split:

Some of you may have jobs that don't allow a full week of workouts such as the one above, and your lunch breaks are a bit too busy to fit in four workouts like that.

If that's the case you should try this full-body split so that you can get in the gym at least twice a week and still be able to follow the qualities of a good lunch-break workout - short, time-efficient and leaving you with 15 minutes of your lunch break to yourself.

This split will work similar to the ones above, because you start with the most taxing movements and then work down to isolation movements. This way, you spend even less time warming up. Of course, it is really a compromise and not really ideal for making results, but that doesn't mean it won't work at all. In fact, some might actually see better results from this than from the program above!

Full Body Workout:

          Barbell Squats, 2 sets x 10 reps

          Stiff-leg Deadlifts, 2 x 10

Dumbbell Pull-over

          , 1 x 15

          Dumbbell Bench Press, 2 x 10

          Chins or Pull-ups, 2 x 10

          Dumbbell Military Press, 2 x 10

          Seated Rows, 2 x 10

Weighted Dips

          , 2 x 10

          Barbell Curl, 2 x 10

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Full Body Workout.

This workout is very simple compared to the ones above and uses a lot less variety. I decreased the number of sets that you will be doing overall, too, so that you can fit in a thorough warm-up for each muscle group.

Another thing that I did was to have you perform fewer sets per exercise and more repetitions so you are able to balance out the workload a bit.

We start of with squats and stiff-leg deadlifts. These are lower body movements, but really allow the full body to warm-up because they tax the entire body to stabilize and control the weight. Also, leg training is very taxing in terms of cardiovascular abilities, so it will get the blood pumping through your whole body.

After those squats and stiff-leg deadlifts, I have you do a general upper-body movement, the dumbbell pull-over. This gets the blood pumping more specifically to the upper body, and will help you focus on the chest, back, shoulders and arms for the rest of the workout.

With upper body movements, there will be overlap between each muscle group, too. Dumbbell bench presses will target the chest, but also bring shoulders and triceps into play. Dumbbell military presses target the deltoids, but also bring in trapezius and upper chest as well as the triceps.

Weighted dips are there to target the triceps, but they also place focus on the lower chest, and rear deltoids. There is a similar relationship between chins, rows and curls all targeting the trapezius, back, biceps, and forearms in some way.

This workout is to be performed twice a week. Even if you have a busy lunch-time schedule, twice a week should be manageable. Do your best to put at least two days in between each time you repeat this workout. Ideally, you would do this Monday and Thursday, Tuesday and Friday or Wednesday and Saturday.

Those combinations of days allow plenty of recovery in between training sessions. You will be resting no more than 90 seconds in between each set, so that you can get the entire workout done with 15 minutes left to shower off and get back to work!

Working Out In The Office!

Some of you might want to get into the gym, but can't get there during your lunch break or just don't have a gym membership. While a gym workout would be ideal for all purposes, there are some workouts which you can perform in your office.

These workouts are going to be shorter than the workouts above, and probably done with higher repetitions, because there are not as many exercise choices for you when you aren't in a gym. Whatever you are doing in the office, know that it will be something simple which requires little equipment, and will get the blood pumping to improve your fitness!

arrow Body-Weight Workout:

The first and most convenient choice for you is the body-weight workout. The body-weight workout is going to consist of moves like push-ups and knee bends, which cause the muscles to do some work, and general fitness movements such as jumping jacks which are great for adding to cardiovascular fitness.

You don't need any equipment but your body and an open space. You can also purchase a stretch mat so that you can perform these exercises without getting the dirt and germs from the floor onto your hands.

The resistance training of this workout is going to target large muscle groups such as the legs, back, chest and abdominals. For the legs, I am having you do single-leg squats and lunges. Single-leg squats are actually very difficult, even without weight, because your leg muscles work unilaterally.

Because of this, more muscles are brought into play each time you work that single leg, because they will be necessary to balance. Lunges are also a good thigh workout. You should try to step out two to three feet on each lunge, so that you bring more hamstrings and glutes into the movement.

The back will be trained with chin-ups and lat shrugs. Chin-ups should be done with the palms facing you to bring in more of a wide range of muscle groups. Lat shrugs should be done with the palms facing away; I include these to finish off the back, and also bring in some more of the trapezius muscles.

You must order a pull-up bar if you can't get to a gym, otherwise there is no efficient way to train the back without weights!

The chest will be trained with push-ups and an office version of bench dips. Push-ups should be done with a wider grip to add difficulty to the movement, and bring in more chest. Bench dips are actually more of a shoulder and triceps movement but work the same muscle groups as push-ups do.

Finally, you will be performing for abdominals two exercises. I will have you perform crunches to target the upper abdominals. Try to use your stretch mat for this movement. Crunches are really an isolation exercise for strengthening the core and lower back. Next, I will have you grab onto your pull-up bar which you will have mounted in the door, and perform leg raises.

This movement will focus on the abdominals but also bring the forearms heavily into play, so you receive a two-in-one effect. This workout is largely based on the two-in-one effect of overlapping muscles, which makes it more efficient.

For the cardiovascular portion of this workout, you had better hope that you don't have a floor below you, because I want you doing "burpees". What does this mean? I'm going to explain it, and once you find out, you will realize why this might be a bit noisy.

To perform a burpee, you start standing up. Easy enough, right? It gets difficult. You should drop down and have your hands on the floor next. Kick your legs out behind you so that you are in a push-up ready position. After this, you might start to lose focus, but try to memorize the entire movement before you go to do it and then forget what comes next!

Next, you perform a pus-hup, and simultaneously tuck your knees into your chest. Stand up. This trains basically every muscle in the body, so it is efficient for cardiovascular training. You will do more than one!

This is the workout for in the office. You should rest no more than 60 seconds in between exercises. This shouldn't take more than 30 minutes total.

        Single-leg Squat: 2 sets x 15 reps

        Body Weight Lunges: 2 x 15

        Chin-ups or Pull-ups: 2 x 10

        Lat Shrugs: 2 x 15

        Push-ups: 2 x 15

        Bench Dips: 2 x 15

        Crunches: 2 x 15

        Hanging leg Raise: 2 x 15

        Then perform 30 seconds straight of burpees. Try to progress to a full minute and beyond as your fitness improves, though!

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Office Workout.

Resistance Band Training:

The above workout uses mostly body weight exercises, so it doesn't really allow for the body to gain strength. You won't gain much muscle mass on the above routine, either, because you are not working with heavier and heavier weight, you are just using the same body over and over.

It is effective for overall fitness, but if you want to gain muscle mass, you should look into a form of resistance. Resistance bands are convenient, light, cheap and provide a good deal of resistance so that you can perform a tough workout in the office.

Resistance bands are not the same as the fancy machines in the gym, so before performing a resistance-band workout, you need to know how to perform each exercise properly.

Start with a light band to practice proper technique, and work your way up to the Super Heavy Resistance bands for high repetitions. Adding resistance in this way is effective.

If you start out using the Medium Resistance (about 18-to-43 pounds) on your arm curls for ten repetitions, and ten weeks later using the Heavy Resistance (about 30-to-57 pounds) for 15 repetitions, your biceps will be significantly bigger! And just think of how much you will have improved when you can perform ten repetitions using Super Heavy Resistance.

This goes for all muscle groups. Resistance cables are great for training the legs, chest, shoulder, back and arm muscles.

To train the legs with resistance cables, I will have you perform single-leg reverse hyperextensions. First, place the cable in the lower part of the door. The cable should have its handle around your ankle. Keeping your leg straight, pull your leg back as far as you can. The knee should not bend; instead, you should be pulling at the hip. This is a great thigh exercise.

Train the chest using resistance cables and your chair. Wrap the cables around the chair so that you are holding the handles and the chair is keeping the resistance in place for the chest press. Press out with one arm first, then slowly return to the starting position. Then, press with the other arm.

You should be pressing straight ahead of yourself. To make this more difficult, choose another resistance band or use both arms at the same time. You can train the shoulders in a similar way, called the overhead press. Hold the cables in place with your feet, but have the handles in your hands.

Press upwards with your right arm, keeping the wrist straight. Then, slowly return the resistance to the starting position. Next, press with the other arm. Just like the chest press, you can make this more difficult by using both arms at the same time. Be sure not to jerk or snap the weight. Lift in a controlled fashion.

Next, I am going to have you place the cable somewhere where it is above waist height. Ideally, you would jam it in a door, just be sure that nobody is going to open it up and send you falling over! From here, you can perform three different movements. The first is a row movement for the back and biceps.

Simply pull the cables from a fully stretched position to your hips while bending at the arms. You can also use straight-arm pull-downs to isolate the back muscles. Start with the hands slightly above shoulder height with the arms straight. Press the hands down to your hips while maintaining the straightness in the arms. This focuses on the back muscles.

There is one more movement that you can perform with your resistance band jammed in the door. This is the triceps press-down. Start with your elbows at your sides and have them flexed. From here, extend at the elbow. Then return to the starting position. This focuses on the triceps, a muscle on the back of the arm.

Training biceps with resistance cables is easy. You can simply hold the cables down with your feet, grip the handles and perform curls. I recommend using one arm at a time, as this allows for more total focus. However, you can always do both arms at once for more difficulty. Below is the workout program.

Perform this once every two to three days. Rest no more than 90 seconds in between sets.


Reverse Hyperextension

        2 x 10-15

        Chest Press 2 x 10-15

Overhead Press

        2 x 10-15

        Row 2 x 10-15

        Straight-arm Pull-down 2 x 10-15

        Triceps Press-down 2 x 10-15

        Curls 2 x 10-15

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Resistance Band Workout.

This workout is simple and should produce great results if you can learn what weight is right for you and improve this weight as time goes on. You can also mix-and-match the use of resistance cables, pullup bars and floor mats, though. For example, you could do a total back workout one day, using your pullup bar and resistance cables.

The next day, you could do a total chest workout. Alternatively, you could just replace movements that are too easy, like lunges may be, with single-leg reverse hyperextensions. There are many things that you can do in the office with just a little bit of equipment and 30 minutes of your time.

Keep in mind that these office workouts aren't just effective for your workplace. You can bring this equipment anywhere. If you go on vacation, keep those muscles working using one of these routines.

If you can't make it to the gym one day, just pick some exercises from here to keep the body working. These workouts are useful for anybody who can't access gym equipment for a workout.

Workout Nutrition For The Lunch Time Training Program

While I am having you use your lunch break to work out and improve your fitness levels, I also want you to make sure that you eat right, so that you can produce even more impressive results. Everyone knows that working out on an empty stomach is a terrible idea, so I don't want to suggest that you do that.

When you do your lunch break workout that is probably all that you will have time for, along with a protein shake and washing up. This means that you have to eat a pre-workout meal at another time before the workout.

I am going to recommend a great shake which you can take one hour before your lunch break so that you are ready to work out when the time comes! This shake consists of some fruit, some complex carbohydrates, and some protein. It requires a blender and a few food items - oatmeal, protein powder, banana and cinnamon.

The best part about taking a shake before your lunch-time workout is that it will be easy to finish. This is much more convenient than having a whole food meal while you are on the job.

This Is The Recipe For Your Pre-Workout Shake:

  • 1 scoop Higher Power Whey Protein Powder: Vanilla
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 1 TSP cinnamon

Mix this up in the blender with a couple of ice cubes and you have a winning pre-workout shake. You should purchase a Bodybuilding.com Shaker Bottle to store your drink in and maintain a good consistency. Be sure to watch the video to learn proper usage techniques!

After your lunch time workout, you will probably only have 15 minutes to spare. I rarely eat directly after a workout, especially not directly after one of the tough training sessions I listed above. Instead, I eat my post-workout meal about 30 minutes after I train.

You should, too, because this is best for absorption, and will not leave you feeling nauseous, either. Being nauseous at work is the absolute worst feeling! What I want you to do is make another of the above shake, and bring that with you to have about 30 minutes after your workout is completed. This is nice and convenient, and a nutritious way to improve your health.


Now that you have all of these nutrition and workout options open for your lunch break, you will be able to choose one and see excellent results from it. You can mix and match the routines, too, to fit your needs. If you usually make it to the gym, but can't one day, have that floor mat and resistance cable set ready to perform a workout.

I don't want you training for your whole lunch break every day, either - the amount of training that I have recommended is ideal for increasing fitness and still allowing the body to properly recover.

Using your lunch break to fit in a workout is a great idea for those of you who can't find a more comfortable time to work out. By using your lunch break to work out while others sit around, you are putting yourself on a whole new level, both physically and mentally!

3rd Place - nextteenamateur

Let's face it, our world is a busy and competitive place. To get to the top in the business community, you have to work hard, be efficient, and be quick on your toes. Add to this the fact that you are most likely supporting a family or loved ones, and that makes you one busy person.

Everyone has responsibilities that they have to handle, and when everything is considered, most working people don't have much free time.

Many people look at their lives and think, "When will I have the time to exercise?" You juggle work, family, and most likely even more work. Well, there is a time that you can exercise that will allow you to fulfill all of your other obligations: LUNCH TIME!

Think about it, you have 30 minutes to an hour devoted entirely to yourself. Instead of standing by the water cooler chatting with work buddies, why not do something productive?

Why not get healthier, get stronger and feel better while doing so? Since the average person works out for a time period longer than what would fit into a lunch break, you must have a time efficient, tough workout schedule that can be completed in a short time period.

One factor that many people don't take into account when it comes to working out is motivation. If you are truly motivated, you will not let ANYTHING stand in the way of you and your health (or your gym time!). No matter how much stress is placed on you or how little time you think you have, you CAN find a way to workout and exercise.

"Where there's a will, there's a way."

That is possibly the best quote of all time. Whether it is finding time to workout, or finding that last little bit of fire left in you to get that squat up, if you truly want something, nothing can stand in your way. You must believe this.

In order to better motivate yourself, I suggest you read this article on 20 motivation tips:

Full Body Or Split?
Should You Perform A Full Body Or Split Routine? Why? Include The Most Effective Sample Workouts With Sets And Reps.

Since you are working out on a tight schedule, you should have a workout routine that is based on a push/pull/legs system. This will allow you to only work out three days a week (typically M/W/F) and still be able to stimulate muscle growth and cardiovascular health.

Working out three days a week also has many other advantages. Muscle recovery is achieved at a faster rate than on 5-day routines. Also, three day routines are easier on the mind. Pounding heavy weights five days in a row can be hard on a person, and it can lead to mental stress and overtraining.

Before looking at the workout routine provided, it is important to know some basics of nutrition and rest that can help your gym time be even more beneficial to you.

It is very important to eat the right amount of calories in order to achieve your goal, whether that goal is fat loss or muscle gain. To lose fat, one should eat 500 calories below maintenance per day. To gain muscle, one should eat 500 calories over maintenance per day.

To find out what your maintenance level of calories is, use Bodybuilding.com's RMR (resting metabolic rate) calculator, found here.

No Matter What Your Goal Is, You Should Follow These General Nutrition Guidelines:

  1. High protein (1-2g per pound of bodyweight)
  2. Moderate carbohydrates
  3. High EFA's such as fish oil and flax
  4. Proper pre- and post-workout nutrition (high protein and carbohydrates)

Protein Calculator Here

Rest is also important. Muscles are built during sleep, and you should get at least 8 hours of it every night. That's right, Mr. Busybody, I said 8 hours. It may be hard to find that sort of time, but if you do, you will be rewarded with greater gains than you can imagine.

Here is my workout for the busybody who works out during lunchtime. You will notice that it focuses on compound movements, which are the best for muscle building and fat burning alike. They allow multiple muscle groups to be hit at a time, which saves you precious time.

To read more about compound movements, I suggest you take a look at this article by Arthur Jones:

Monday - Push

        Bench Press - 2 sets of 8

        Barbell Military Press - 2 sets of 8

        Dips - 2 sets done to failure (add weight if you can do 15+ reps with bodyweight)

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Monday: Push Workout.

Wednesday - Pull

        Pull-ups/Chin-ups - 2 sets to failure

        Deadlifts - 2 sets of 8

        Barbell Rows - 2 sets of 10

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Wednesday: Pull Workout.

Friday - Legs

        Squats - 2 sets of 10

        Stiff-Leg Deadlifts - 2 sets of 12

        Calf Raises - 2 sets of 10 with a 5 second hold at the bottom of each rep

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Friday: Legs Workout.

There it is - plain and simple. You may look at this and ask where the arm work and ab work is, but don't worry. When you do these workouts, the compound movements work nearly every muscle in your body. Pull-ups, for example, work your biceps extremely hard.

The beauty of this program is that it can be performed in 30 minutes, which leaves you time to stretch, warm-up and cool down. Plus, if you need to squeeze a shower in before heading back to the office, you should be able to do so with ease.

In Or Out Of The Gym:
What Is The Most Effective Workout You Can Do In The Gym? What About Outside The Gym (home, park, hotel etc). Include The Most Effective Sample Workouts With Sets And Reps.

The most effective workout that can be performed in the gym will be the routine that I laid out in the previous section. It is beautiful in its simplicity. By focusing on compound movements, plenty of rest time and heavy weights, it is a formula for growth.

Some people, however, can't make it to a gym for every workout. Whether they are constrained by time, money or any other factor, they can still have a successful and efficient workout.

Outside of the gym, you should focus on cardio. Cardio is an all around great thing. I don't know why so many people hate it! Cardio has a host of benefits, which include better general health, better work capacity (makes lifting weights easier), and better stamina. I suggest medium pace jogging for the time-constrained athlete.

A jog of around 30 minutes can do wonders for your physique. This should be done every day if possible, except for days where you work legs in the gym.

As far as workouts go, there are a number of ways to hit your muscles hard without having equipment. I believe that when weights are not used, one should perform a full body routine three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

This is the workout routine that you should follow when you are limited on time and without training equipment. This routine was created by Mike Mahler, a writer for Bodybuilding.com. It may look easy, but don't be fooled. It will have you begging for mercy by the third or fourth circuit.

arrow The Workout - M/W/F

The following is a circuit, which is to be repeated 5 times per workout.

Handstand Push-ups

        - 5-10 Reps

One-Arm Push-up

        - 5-10 Reps

Door Pull-up

        - 5-10 Reps

One Legged Squat

        - 5-10 Reps

        Knee Jump - 5-10 Reps

Headstand Leg Raise

        - 5-10 Reps

        Mahler Body Blaster - Work up to 25-50 Reps

enlarge Click To Enlarge.
Mahler Body Blaster.

printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of "The Workout" Circuit Routine.

To read the article detailing this workout in full, and to get exercise descriptions, follow this link to Mahler's article:

The great thing about this workout is that it can be performed nearly anywhere. Hotel room, house, outside in the park, it's all good. Think about how nice it would be to be able to workout when and where you wanted without having to haul bags of equipment with you. This is the ultimate busybody's workout!

What Is The Best Pre-Workout Meal Before Lunch? After Lunch? Give Details.

Ah. Pre- and post workout nutrition. The granddaddy of all meals. These two meals will play a large role in how successful you are at achieving your goals in the world of fitness and bodybuilding.

Pre-workout nutrition will largely affect how good of a workout you have. What you eat will determine how much energy you have and how prepared your body is for the onslaught of weight that is to come.

Post workout nutrition is what's responsible for feeding those hungry muscles that you just annihilated in the gym. Both meals are important, and you should follow these guidelines in order to fuel yourself properly and to prime yourself for growth after your workouts.

Pre-Workout Nutrition (45 minutes-1 hour before workout):

    1. No fats whatsoever! Fats slow digestion and this is not what you want at this time of the day.

    1. 20-50 grams of fast digesting protein, such as whey powder.

    1. 20-50 grams of medium to fast digesting carbohydrates. This is the main source of energy that will have you killing the weights!

  1. Plenty of water. Hydration is one of the most overlooked factors in bodybuilding. Read just how important water is here:

During Workout:

      During your workout, you should be constantly sipping water. I think you will be surprised how much your energy increases along with your water consumption.

** For an extra muscle building kick, add BCAA's to your workout drink. I recommend 10-30 grams for best results.

Post-Workout Nutrition:

Immediately Post-Workout:

      1. Whey protein shake consisting of 30-60 grams of protein. THIS IS ESSENTIAL!

      1. A fast digesting carbohydrate source, such as fruit. This helps to cause an insulin response in the body and rush glycogen to your hungry muscles.

45 Minutes To 1 Hour After Post-Workout Shake:

      1. Food protein source such as chicken or beef. I recommend around 50 grams worth of protein. If you eat beef, be sure to get low fat beef, and rinse it after you cook it. This will eliminate nearly all of the fat from the meat.

      1. Slow digesting carbohydrate source such as oatmeal (a bodybuilder's best friend). I usually eat one cup of oats, which contains around 55 grams of carbohydrates.

    By eating these two protein/carbohydrate meals, you are accomplishing two things. One, you are giving your body the protein it needs to repair the broken down muscle fibers that were damaged during your workout. Two, you are using carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores, which will prime your muscles for growth.

    There you have it - the busybody's guide to bodybuilding. With these tools, you have everything you need to design a time efficient workout routine, a balanced diet that will promote health and muscle growth, and the positive mindset needed to thrive in the world of weight lifting.

    3rd Place - Poppa Pump
    The Lunch Break Workout

    Everyone has fitness goals, including those with seemingly no time to accomplish them. Does this mean that you should just give up? Does dedicating your life to your work and family mean that you can never get into shape? Of course not! You can often find time to train when you least expect it - in the middle of work.

    The lunch break has always been my favorite part of the working day. An hour of freedom, relaxation and food; what better way to spend that time? Well as a matter of fact, I can think of a few things better, and working out is one of them.

    Just because it's lunchtime does not mean that you have to sit back, loosen your belt and prepare for your waistline to expand. You can use that to enhance your level of fitness rather than allow it to diminish.

    arrow Preparation

    Before heading from the job site to the gym, there is some important preparation work that must be considered. Begin by packing up a gym bag. Include clothes to workout in, a towel, deodorant, soap, shampoo and any other hygienic products you think you may need. Remember that you still have half of a workday left after your training session, so freshen up in the gym locker room.

    It is also important to note that it is not a good idea to workout on an empty stomach, or to be skipping meals. It seems like training during your lunch break will be conducive to both of these problems, but not with a little planning. In your gym bag you should have more than clothes and hygienic products.

    Be sure to include either food that you can eat quickly before your lunch break (a sandwich, chicken and rice or other quick meal) or a meal replacement shake. A meal replacement shake can be prepared and consumed in under a minute and will provide the nutrients necessary to have a great workout.

    Try to have this meal about an hour before your lunch break. Also include a post workout shake containing protein and simple carbohydrates to consume right after your training session.

    arrow Making The Most Of Your Session

    With only an hour or so for lunch, there is no time to mess around. Assuming you have an hour-long lunch break, and it takes you five minutes to get to the gym and 15 to change and shower, you're looking at a 35-minute workout. Also assuming that you work 5 days per week, I would recommend training at least four of them.

    With a session as short 35-minutes you can't plan on getting much done each day. This means that instead of doing full body workouts, you should focus on a split routine. This will allow you to work each muscle group fully, and allow you to finish your training sessions without running out of time. The following is a workout that can, by most, be completed in less than 35 minutes.

    arrow The Workout


        - Back/Biceps/Calves

          Barbell Rows - 3x8-10 (include a warm-up set)

          Pull-Downs - 2x8-10

          Barbell Curls 3x8-10 superset with Calf Raises 3x8-10 (include a warm-up set)

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Monday: Back/Biceps/Calves.

    Tuesday - Chest/Triceps/Abs

          Incline Bench Press - 3x8-10 (include a warm-up set)

          Dips - 2x8-10

    French Press

          - 3x8-10 superset with Decline Sit-Ups 3x8-10

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Tuesday: Chest/Triceps/Abs.

    Wednesday - Rest

          Use this day to have a normal lunch break. Eat a healthy meal, relax and unwind.

    Thursday - Legs

          Squats - 3x8-10 (include a warm-up set)

          Leg Press - 2x8-10

          Leg Curls - 3x10

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Thursday: Legs.

    Friday - Shoulders

          Shoulder Press - 3x8-10 (include a warm-up set)

    Upright Rows

          - 2x8-10 (include a warm-up set)

          Lateral Raises - 2x10 superset with Rear Lateral Raises - 2x10

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Friday: Shoulders.

    Treat this workout as the sample that it is. If you favor one exercise to another feel free to replace it and do the same with rep ranges and number of sets. If you find that you are completing this workout with time to spare you can add in extra sets, exercises or cardio. If you cannot complete this workout in time you can remove sets or rest less in between sets.

    After your workout you should easily have time to shower and prepare for work again. Drink your protein shake on the way back in the car to save time.

    arrow On The Go:

    Not everyone has the same working schedule every day, and some may have trouble adhering to a plan such as this one. There are many jobs that include traveling and accessing a gym is not always possible. Working nights can also be a problem. When you do finally get time for a break, the gym will more than likely be closed.

    For those of you who are in such a situation - hope is not lost. There are many workouts that can be performed anywhere, at any time. So whether you work awkward hours or you are on the road, here list of exercises that can be performed almost anywhere and anytime:

    Push-ups & Push-up Variations:

          The standard push-up is performed with your feet together and hands approximately shoulder width apart. From this position you can widen your grip to further target your chest or move your hands inward to emphasize your triceps. You can further enhance the effectiveness of the push-up by elevating your feet.

    If you are not in good enough condition to perform one standard push-up, you can make it easier by placing your knees on the ground rather than your toes.


          This one does require some type of apparatus, but you do not need a pull-up bar to get it done. You can alter your grip to focus on different parts of your back and biceps.

    If you cannot locate anything to use to perform pull-ups, or you cannot perform one, try taking two chairs (or any other 2 objects of the same height) and lay a broomstick or similar object across them. Lie on the ground under the stick and perform pull-ups from that position.

    Crunches & Reverse Crunches:

          These two workouts provide an easy way to work your entire abdomen no matter where you are. I like to superset the crunch and reverse crunch to increase intensity and save time.

    Lateral Raises:

          Lateral raises, whether front, side or rear can all be performed on the move. All you need is some type of resistance, but nothing too heavy. Any decent sized book will do. You can perform them unilaterally and superset between each arm to increase intensity.

    Hindu Squat:

          This is an effective workout that can help to put some size on your legs. Begin with your feet shoulder width apart and keeping your arms hanging at your sides. Then simply squat down while extending your arms forward, and bring your arms back to your sides as you go back up.

    Click Image To Enlarge.
    Hindu Squat.

    Calf Raises:

          These should be performed on a step so you can go down below parallel. Do them one leg at a time to increase resistance and make sure you are holding onto something sturdy for balance, but not using it to help you complete the exercise.


          No matter where you are you can always find a way to perform some type of cardio. Choose between running and the many different forms of plyometric training.

    How you put these and other simple workouts together is at your discretion. The number of sets and reps you perform should depend on your condition. The better shape you are in, the more reps and sets you can perform.

    If you choose to include all of the above workouts in one day, that's fine; and if you choose to break them up it is acceptable as well. Put it together in a way that fits your schedule. Just remember that it is consistency that makes changes in your physique.

    arrow The Other Half Of The Battle:

    Now that your training is coming together there is one more element to conquer. The importance of proper diet is not to be understated. It is what will make you or break you. With a tight schedule some people may find it hard to make time for healthy meals when fast food is so quick and easy.

    If you are one of those people who just can't seem to find the time to prepare healthy meals, you're in luck. Below are a few simple meals that anyone can quickly prepare. They can also all be made in large quantities and kept refrigerated and used throughout the week.

      • Chicken & Brown Rice: This has always been one of my favorites. I cook a big pot of brown rice and grill a few chicken breasts at the beginning of the week. I cut the chicken breast up and mix it with the brown rice. I often put broccoli in this mix as well.

        Finish it off with some teriyaki, soy sauce or another favorite of yours and you have a great healthy meal that can last you through the week. And the only preparation it takes from there is the push of a few buttons on a microwave.

      • Sandwiches: Not many people need much in the way of directions for a sandwich. It is one of the quickest and easiest meals to prepare. Just be sure to ditch the white bread and opt for multigrain instead. And never use fatty meats or high calorie condiments (such as mayonnaise).
      • Protein Shakes: Possibly the quickest and easiest way to enjoy a healthy meal. Protein shakes have gotten a bad rap over the years due to their taste, but as time moved on this became a non-issue.

        Blend up some whey protein with oats and your favorite fruits in water or milk and you have a delicious high protein and healthy meal that can be consumed in minutes.

        Protein shakes benefits are mostly in the way of convenience. Since you drink them rather than eat them you can easily have your shake while driving or working.

        Protein shakes are great to have right after a workout. Just mix some protein powder with some carbohydrate powder (dextrose or maltodextrin) in water and you are ready to go.

        To View Top Selling Protein Products Click Here.

      • MRP's: It doesn't get any easier than this. If you have a stressful job and can't even find a second to push a button on a blender, your problems are solved. These packets contain the same nutrients as would be found in your own protein shake but rather than mixing ingredients and blending, you just add water and shake.

        They are a little more expensive; look for meal replacements that use complex whole food carbs rather than simple sugary ones.

        To View Top Selling MRP Products Click Here.


    After reading this article it should be clear to you that there are no excuses. There is not one reason in the world as to why you can't get into shape. It doesn't take much time and it does not take much effort.

    All it takes is pre-planning and dedication. Don't think because of your busy and stressful lifestyle you have been cursed with a poor physique forever. Dedicate yourself to doing the most with the time that you do have.

    3rd Place - ravadongon

    Many people suffer from long working hours and tight schedules. Sometimes odd chores and jobs at home always seem to pop-up and prevent you from working out, so you can never reach the body or fitness levels you desire. Well thankfully there is a solution, though it is a sacrifice, you must workout during your lunch break.

    I will help you achieve your goals by giving you some simple, quick and efficient workouts that you can complete during your lunch break, whether it be short or long, so you can get into shape quickly.

    Full Body Or Split?
    Should You Perform A Full Body Or Split Routine? Why? Include The Most Effective Sample Workouts With Sets And Reps.

    Really this is up to your preference. Both splits can be equally effective when employed correctly along with a solid diet (very important!) and rest schedule, however what is important is to what the trainee responds to best. I cannot say to you that one split is better or worse, it is for you to decide for yourself.

    If you haven't tried one or the other, I would definitely encourage you to in order to determine what type of routine gives you more preferable results.

    If you haven't tried both types of routines then here are some sample types of splits you could give a shot if your current routine isn't producing the results you desire:

    arrow Full Body - 2 or 3 days

    2 Day

            Day 1 = Monday

            Day 2 = Friday

    3 Day

            Day 1 = Monday

            Day 2 = Wednesday

            Day 3 = Friday

    Day 1:

          Squats 3 x 5

          Incline Bench Press 3 x 6-10

          Weighted Chin-ups 3 x 6-10

    Good Mornings

          3 x 6-10

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Day 1 Workout.

    Day 2:

          Deadlifts 3 x 5

          Dips 3 x 6-10

          Barbell Rows 3 x 6-10

    Hamstring Curls

          3 x 6-10

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Day 2 Workout.

    arrow Split - 3 Day

    Monday - Push

          Bench Press 4 x 4

          Military Press 3 x 6-10

          Skull Crushers 3 x 6-10

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Monday: Push Workout.

    Wednesday - Legs

          Squat/Deadlift 4 x 4

          Split Squats/Lunges 3 x 6-10

          Pull Throughs 3 x 6-10

          Weighted Abs 3 x 8-12

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Wednesday: Legs Workout.

    Friday - Pull

          Weighted Chins 4 x 4

          Barbell Rows 3 x 4

          Curls 3 x 6-10

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Friday: Pull Workout.

    arrow Split - 4 Day


        - Lower Strength

          Deadlifts 5 x 5

          Pull Throughs/RDL 3 x 6-10

    Side Bends

          3 x 8-12

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Monday: Lower Strength Workout.

    Wednesday - Upper Hypertrophy

          Dumbbell Incline Bench/Weighted Dips 3 x7-12

    A-Trainer Flyes

          (aka: Cable Flyes)3 x 7-12

          Lat Pull-downs 3 x 7-12

          Cable Rows 3 x 7-12

          DB/BB Curls superset DB/BB Triceps Extensions 3 x 7-12 each

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Wednesday: Upper Hypertrophy Workout.

    Thursday - Lower Hypertrophy

          Squats Sets of 8, 10, 15, 20

          Single-Legged Squats 3 x 10-15

          Glute Ham Raises/Hamstring Curls - 3 x 10-15

          Weighted Abs - 3 x 8-12

    Glute Ham Raises.

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Thursday: Lower Hypertrophy Workout.

    Saturday - Upper Strength

          Barbell Bench Press (variations)/Floor Press 5 x 5

          Overhead Press 3 x 6-10

          Weighted Chins 3 x 6-10

          Close-grip Bench Press/Triceps Dips 3 x 6-10

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Saturday: Upper Strength Workout.

    In Or Out Of Gym:
    What Is The Most Effective Workout You Can Do In The Gym? What About Outside The Gym (home, park, hotel etc). Include The Most Effective Sample Workouts With Sets And Reps.

    Now the above workouts are effective, but the one problem you most likely will encounter working out during lunch time if you choose to proceed with those workouts is time (if time isn't that big of a problem then I strongly encourage doing one of the aforementioned routines) ... The workouts below take the time factor into account, yet do not slack in their intensity.

    In addition to the weight training workouts, I have also included training for "off days," (GPP - General Physical Preparation) to keep you in 'tip top' cardiovascular shape, and increase your work capacity.

    This will translate to higher lifts in the gym and also aid in your recovery from workouts (active recovery), with the concentric-only movements performed with a sled, not to mention it burns fat like no other. You'll notice that sled pulling is featured prominently in my GPP workouts because myself and many others believe it is the best form of cardio you can do. It is important that you do not run with sled, but use power strides to drag it.

    Here's how you can build your own sled: [ online ]
    And here are some of the various ways in which you can drag a sled: [ online ]

    arrow Inside The Gym:

    Monday - Upper A

          Bench Press Variations 3 x 6 /superset with Weighted Underhand Chins 3 x 6-8

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Monday: Upper A Workout.

    Tuesday - Lower A

          Squats - Sets of 20, 15, 10 and 5

    Romanian Deadlifts

          3 x 8-12

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Tuesday: Lower A Workout.

    Wednesday - Sled Dragging

          Forward and Backward - [



    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Wednesday: Sled Dragging Workout.

    Thursday - Upper B

          Dips 3 x 8-12 /superset with BB Rows 3 x 6-8

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Thursday: Upper B Workout.

    Friday - Lower B

          Deadlifts 3 x 3

          Hamstring Curls or GHR 3 x 8-12

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Friday: Lower B Workout.

    Saturday - Recreational GPP

          Do some form of exercise you enjoy doing. I recommend something you can do with some mates from work or a training partner so you enjoy it more and can be pushed further with the increased competitiveness: e.g. pick-up basketball, tennis or squash, cycling, swimming, rowing, etc.

    Sunday - REST

    Outside The Gym (Home, Office, Park etc.)

    Monday - Lower

          Box Jumps/Depth Jumps - 2 x 10

          One-Legged Squats Progression [


          ] - 3 sets

          GHR Progression [


          ] - 3 sets

          Sprinters Sit-ups OR Medicine Ball Sit-ups - 3 x 10-15

    Box Jumps
    Click To Enlarge.

    View Video Of Box Jumps
    View: MPEG
    View: Windows Media
    View: Real Player

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Monday: Lower Workout.

    Tuesday - Lower Body Sled Dragging

          Forward and Backward - [



    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Tuesday: Lower Body Sled Dragging.

    Wednesday - Upper

          Clap Push-ups/Medicine Ball Passes - 2 x 10

          Weighted Incline Push-ups - 3 x 6-12 OR One Handed Push-ups Progression [




          Handstand Push-ups - 2 sets of MAX reps

          Pull-ups OR Weighted Pull-ups - 3 x 6-12 (use a portable

    chin-up bar

          OR children's playground equipment)

          Hanging Leg Raises - 3 x 10-20

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Wednesday: Upper Workout.

    Thursday - Recreational GPP

          Do some form of exercise you enjoy doing. I recommend it be something you can do with some mates from work or a training partner so you enjoy it more and can be pushed further with the increased competitiveness e.g. pick-up basketball game, tennis or squash, swimming, rowing etc.

    Friday - Lower

          Same as Monday

    Saturday - Medicine Ball GPP

          Perform in circuit style for 10-15 minutes

    Medicine Ball Backward Overhead Throws x 10
    Burpees w/ Push-ups x 10
    Medicine Ball Slams x 10
    Medicine Ball Forward Overhead Throws x 10

    printable workout logClick Here For A Printable Log Of Saturday: Medicine Ball GPP - Circuit Style.

    Sunday - Upper

          Same as Wednesday

    **NOTE** - It is important to warm-up before and cool down after ALL workouts. For your warm-up I suggest you perform a quick bodyweight calisthenics circuit, such as 'https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/henkin18.htm,' along with some dynamic stretches.

    For your cool down I encourage you to walk for or light cycle (5 minutes) followed by some static stretches a couple of hours later. Also if you are using weights (especially heavier weights) performing a warm-up and building up progressively is recommended to avoid injuries from occurring. Here is an article that may assist you further in this area:

    What Is The Best Pre-Workout Meal Before Lunch? After Lunch? Give Details.

    The aim of a pre-workout meal is to make energy available for your workout by increasing glycogen levels and to prevent muscle catabolism during the workout. The nutrients you require will primarily be medium to fast digesting proteins and low to moderate GI carbohydrates.

    Fat intake is only of necessity if the workout is longer than 1.5 hrs (which if you are only using your lunch break to, should not be) to slow down nutrient digestion and absorption.

    Your pre-workout meal (and post workout meal) should be accommodated into your eating plan. If you workout at lunch, your pre-workout meal should be eaten before lunch, which will, in essence, replace your regular lunch spot. This is important.

    Below are two sample meals for your use as pre-workout meal. The first one is a solid food meal, which will take some time to prepare. I recommend you prepare it in advance if you will be eating it at work, prior to your workout.

    The second is a liquid meal, which you can carry around easily in a shaker bottle to work where you can blend it or shake it up (you'll have to eat the fruit separately then).

    Solid Meal - 45-to-60 minutes prior to working out

    • 1 serving of lean meat (e.g. chicken, beef, fish etc.)
    • 1 serving of low to moderate GI carbohydrates (e.g. starchy vegetables, legumes, oats etc.)
    • 1 cup of fibrous vegetables (e.g. broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, cabbage, onions, carrot)
    • Plenty of water

    Liquid Meal - 30 minutes prior to working out

    • 1 scoop of whey protein
    • 1 serving of Low to Moderate GI fruit
    • Blend with water/milk

    Chug either of these meals down with 3-5g of L-tyrosine, a serving of regular creatine monohydrate or CEE and a serving of caffeine (around 200mg) and you'll be energized and prepared for an intense workout, no matter how long you've been sitting at the desk that morning.

    Best of luck in achieving your goals for the New Year,

    Review Of Other Articles
    Or "Why Wasn't Mine Picked?"



      • Grammar mistakes.
      • Did not really explain why in detail why they chose a total body workout.
      • Did not answer all questions, such as including a workout for home, park, hotel and did not answer the bonus question.

    Comments: It seems as if the writer rushed through their article. It was the first article submitted, and early. More time should have been spent completing the article. There was still much time left for submission.



    • Good organization.


      • Some grammar problems.
      • Did not go in depth with workout routine. Did not include a complete workout, but rather a sample of 1 workout.
      • Did not include sample workouts to do at home, park, hotel, etc.

    Comments: This article was organized well, by answering questions in order. The article did lack some information, such as completing workout routines.