
Supplements are the bodybuilding world's biggest success. Without them we wouldn't get the bodies people are training towards and maintaining now.

 Supplements are the bodybuilding world's biggest success. Without them we wouldn't get the bodies people are training towards and maintaining now. Although supplements are great there are a lot of false advertisements that are around and will just be a waste of money for buying them.

  • Don't be fooled by labels
  • Research the product you are going to buy before buying it
  • Make sure the Product is right for you.
  • Ask yourself do you really need what you are buying.
  • Stay with the bigger companies with a good reputation.
  • Use supplements that work well with each other.
  • Don't use supplements that cancel each other out (a mass gainer and a fat burner).

Teenagers are limited to what supplements that they can use unless they have a money tree or very generous parents. So I will list the 5 most needed supplements starting from the most important to the 5th most import supplement.

1. Protein Powder- This is the most important supplement that a teen should invest his/her money on. Protein powder makes the muscles grow. It also will replenish it after a workout and also is a necessity after a workout. I recommend a teen try to take in at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight for optimal size gain but as much as you can afford will work well for yourself as well.

2. Creatine- Creatine can be a teens best friend as it will make them feel invisible and massive. When taken to the right dosage I cannot see how Creatine can be damaging to your system I have used Creatine on and off and on for a year and a half and have had no side effects. I recommend cycling Creatine 8 weeks on 2 weeks off 4 weeks on 1 week off and repeat again.

3. Meal Replacement Powders- These are great to use for your post workout meal and are a great way to help you put on muscle as muscles will get the right nutrients to grow, grow, grow.

4. Glutamine- I have read a lot about this supplement and it sounds very promising not using it however I am limited in what I can say. I will be using it in my next stack and think this will allow for better muscle gain also.

5. Protein Bars- These are always handy to keep your protein intake high and can be taken and eaten anywhere. These are great for teens still at school that are like myself can't be bothered taking a shake to school. Keep some of these handy for a quick protein boost.

I encourage all teens to watch out for what they buy and don't buy any supplements until you have trained for at least 3-4 months, as you will make gains without them. Then invest in a good protein powder and then with a Creatine but be sure to pace yourself with your supplements and realize more is not better more is less take the right dosage and be persistent and patient.