Is There A Formula For Calculating Amount And Timing Of Nutrients?

Dino Paul Pierce is a great natural bodybuilder with a BS in Dietetics. Learn the secrets to the best results!

Is There A Formula For Calculating Amount And Timing Of Nutrients?

Dino thanks for the great article about timing nutrients. Can you give me a formula that will allow me to calculate my needs? I want to start this as soon as I can. Thanks in advance!

Below is a formula and example that will help you figure out your specifics, good luck!

Anabolic Nourishment by way of Physiological Biomechanics

Your Individualized Nutrition Plan:

Calculating Kilocalories:
35K/kg of Bodyweight
Ex. 150# / 2.2 = 68kg x 35K/kg = 2386 or 2400K
Your figure: _____# / 2.2 = _____kg x 35K/kg = _____K

*Note: if you are over 10% body fat for males or 20% for females lower your kilogram calculation. Only feed your lean mass 35K/kg.

50% of total kilocalories = 50% x 2400K = 1200K from Protein / 4g per Kilocalorie = 300 grams/Day
Your figure: 50% of total kilocalories = 50% x _____K = _____K from Protein / 4g per Kilocalorie = ____ grams/Day

Carbohydrates (CHO)
40% total kilocalories = 40% x 2400K = 960K from CHO / 4g per Kilocalorie = 240 grams/Day
Your figure: 40% of total kilocalories = 40% x _____K = _____K from CHO / 4g per Kilocalorie = ____ grams/Day
Fat - 10% total kilocalories = 10% x 2400K = 240K from Fat / 9g per Kilocalorie = 27 grams/Day
Your figure: 10% of total kilocalories = 10% x _____K = _____K from Fat / 9g per Kilocalorie = ____ grams/Day

8 meals a day = 4 anabolic + 4 Glycemically stable

50% x 2400K = 1200K
1200K x 50% = 600K / 4gms = 150gms Protein/ 4 intakes = 37.5gms/meal
____K x 50% = ___K / 4gms = ___gms Protein/ 4 intakes = ____gms/meal
1200K x 40% = 480K / 4gms = 120gms CHO/ 4 intakes = 30gms/meal
____K x 40% = ___K / 4gms = ___gms CHO/ 4 intakes = __gms/meal
1200K x 10% = 120K / 9gms = 13.33gms Fat/ 4 intakes = 3-4gms/meal
____K x 10% = ___K / 9gms = ____gms Fat/ 4 intakes = ___gms/meal

Example of a typical day of Anabolic Nutrition
4-Anabolic meals (50% of kilocalories consumed around training time)
Pre-training meal: 4am (upon rising in the morning)
Post training meal #1- 6:30am
Post training meal #2- 7:00am
Post training meal #3- 8:00-8:30am

The remainder of the day one would eat the remaining 4 strategically planned glycemically stable meals.

GI/GL Meal #1- 12:30am
GI/GL Meal #2- 3:30pm
GI/GL Meal #3- 6:00pm
GI/GL Meal #4- 8:30pm
9:00pm (Bed time)