Manny Fausett


Manuel "Manny" Fausett received a B.A. in Criminal Justice and Paralegal Certification from Boise State University and has been a personal trainer for six years. Manny, during his nine year stint in the service, competed in endurance events including triathlons, but eventually drifted over to powerlifting because of boredom and the availability of local events.

Manny's best lifts as a powerlifter was a 610 squat, 410 bench press and a 585 deadlift at a body weight of 181 pounds. During a competition in Munich, Germany, Manny suffered a back injury which now prevents him to compete in powerlifting events. However, he used that experience to formulate his philosophy which he now espouses.


  • Free Radicals!

    Free radical damage has also been strongly associated with the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

  • Extreme Workout!

    I would like to give credit where it's due: this workout was inspired by a good friend, Mitch Hodge and the originator, Kirk Malicki.

  • Return To The Gym Workout!

    Recently, after training steadily for 18 months, I decided to take a long absence from the gym. It was difficult at first, since the gym atmosphere has been my second home for eight (8) years now. Here's how to get back into it.

  • Form Versus Weight/Momentum

    Currently in any gym in the world, a person can walk in and find a lifter, regardless of gender, weight training with an unrealistic weight; throwing the weights around instead of focusing on form and maximum muscle contraction.