Best Of The Forums: October 15, 2007.

This week we have topics about the EST products, importance of vegetables, and much more... See what our forum members have to say about these topics and share your own opinion right here!

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Supplement Log Of The Week
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arrowEST And Dedicatedforlif GFH With Propadrol, Ana-Pro And NO Xtreme!!!

This week, I feature the first ever sponsored supplement log in 'Best of the Forums' history. I usually like to pick logs that are paid for and decided upon by the member but this time around I want to mix things up. 'Dedicatedforlif' in conjunction with EST has created an excellent log which features three products in EST's line - Ana-Pro Blend Protein, NO Xtreme, and Propadrol.

Not only is 'Dedicatedforlif' a very close friend of mine, the man is a monster and, as you'll soon see for yourself, makes some pretty impressive logs.

Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.

He's done some in the past and his is certainly the best one to date. It is easy to follow, detailed, and a lot of fellow members take part in discussion. Check it out here and see why it's this week's best supplement log!

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Discussion Of The Week
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arrow Make You Look Like Brad Pitt....

A lot of guys envy the look of male celebrities and want to look like the guys that all the girls gawk at. Not everyone is born with the facial structure or facial hair of some of the famous guys we see on television.

This week, I present to you a thread started by 'Josh8315' who asks about the use of certain hormonal supplements - What can they do?

I'm not a doctor so I can't comment on the thread found here but there seem to be a lot of discussables in the thread and for this reason, I am featuring it. Think it's possible? Check it out and see what others have to say!

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Nutrition Thread Of The Week
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arrowVegetables! Which Are The BEST?? Post Vegetable Info!

Growing up, I'm sure your mother, grandmother, or significant guardian always told you to 'eat all your vegetables' or else you wouldn't get any dessert. Sure, now we know that veggies are important to intake for many reasons but which ones? Are some vegetables better than others? Do some provide better carbohydrates or better vitamins than the next vegetable?

Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
Are Some Vegetables Better Than Others?

This thread is a good long thread with a LOT of great information for those of you who still aren't sure which vegetables to be spending your money on and which you can avoid. A big thanks to 'zkid002' for starting this thread and to everyone for contributing.

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Contest Of The Week
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arrow CONTROLLED LABS Lift in Color Contest.

So I've gotten some positive feedback after featuring a contest thread of the week from the company promotion board. A lot of people seem to dig the idea of getting some free stuff for participating in a little friendly competition. H*ll, I don't blame them! I myself have won some pretty sweet supplements by doing some fun stuff that's just a bit out of the ordinary.

This week, Controlled Labs started a competition to see who can do the most interesting thing with their bottle of 'White Blood' or tub of 'White Flood' and take a picture or record a video of it being done (of course, it must be kept PG-13!).

Contest image
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
Someone Loves Their White Flood.

So far there are a lot of great entries but the contest will be coming to a close soon... so get your entries into the thread here. Controlled Labs always pleases with their customer interactions!

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Workout Log Of The Week
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arrow Life's A B****... A Little Asian Kid's Quest For Confidence.

In the past, workout logs have generally been started in order to keep track of workout regimens without having to keep hundreds of pieces of paper or to help the individual keep on track and provide motivation to go to the gym when they really don't want to.

This week's workout log is one by 'smallasian721' who, at the age of 16, feels the need to gain a little confidence. I know I've been there before and I'm sure most of the people on this website have had times of low confidence and the gym is where they find solace. So, here is his thread.

Confidence: Achieve It And Realize Your Potential.
The following interview is compulsory reading for those who would like to improve their confidence levels and those who are sufficiently confident but would like to gain that edge.
[ Click here to learn more. ]

There is a lot of great motivation and advice from the guys and girls who have been around long and this is a great workout log to follow for anyone who is looking to get some confidence because we all know that working out is a great way to build self-esteem.