Build Beach-Ready Calves

Carve a pair of incredible lower legs to make your beach physique stand out from the crowd.

Nothing says summer like showing a little leg. (Wait, what?) Guys rock board shorts and girls wear short shorts -- both call attention to the calves. We've got separate workouts for guys and gals to help you complete your summer physique with your own set of diamond calves.

Make 'Em Moo

Calf Workout: Carve A Set Of Sexy Summer Calves

Calf Workout: Carve A Set Of Sexy Summer Calves

A great pair of calves goes with any spring outfit! Give your legs a face-lift with this calf-carving workout.
Raising Calves: Preston Noble's Training Plan For Freaky Lower Legs

Raising Calves: Preston Noble's Plan For Freaky Lower Legs

Add an inch or more to your calves by hitting them hard and heavy. Here's how!