Body Transformation: Lean, Mean, Teen Machine!

Years of embarrassment hang a cloud over James’ confidence. He was sick of summers with nothing to show off. See what he did to shred fat and expose muscular definition!

Name: James Sinclair
BodySpace: JamesSinclairr

James Sinclair James Sinclair
AGE 19
190 lbs
AGE 19
170 lbs

Why I Decided To Transform

I started lifting shortly after high school because I wanted to look good with my shirt off and not be embarrassed come summer time. Ever since I started going to the gym with my friends, I've been hooked.

It took time to see results, but I love it and know it was worth it.

How I Accomplished My Goals

I knew I had to start eating better, so I started watching what I ate and cut out all junk food. At first, I didn't really know how to go about my goal, but over time I picked up lots of advice from friends and that really helped me find and lean about exercises and supplements.

What Aspect Challenged Me The Most

It was really hard at first to eat healthy and give up junk food, but I got used to it and feel better after not eating them for awhile.

My Future Fitness Plans

I'm hoping to get in good enough shape to do some modeling, but my overall plan is to maintain and continue this healthy lifestyle.

Suggestions For Aspiring Transformers

Find what works for you and don't think too hard about it when it comes to dieting. Stick to the obvious, avoid bad food, and eat healthy.

You must stay consistent at the gym. Get a good workout plan and go with it.

How Helped Me Reach My Goals

I'm always motivated by the We 'Mirin articles. Seeing so many people in such good shape with great success stories is always a good motivator.

Start Your Own Transformation Today