Aaron Witten, NASM-CPT


Aaron Witten is a veteran bodybuilder and powerlifter, as well as a certified personal trainer. He is currently working toward his doctorate in naturopathic medicine. His career goal is to integrate nutrition, fitness, and medicine to foster ultimate health.

Witten has been competing for over 20 years, participating in over 60 contests and three dozen power meets. His passion for life is not just a hobby—it's a way of life. The only thing that brings him as much pleasure as making positive changes in his body is helping others to do the same.

Nutrition is of utmost importance to Witten; he firmly believes that "you are what you eat." No one would put inferior fuel into a Lamborghini. Your body is worth far more than any car, so it should receive the best fuel available as well.

Witten currently resides in Arizona.

Competition History

All titles listed below are confirmed lifetime drug-free.

  • Mr. Missouri, Arizona, California, and Florida.
  • Winner of national titles, including Mr. USA.
  • Winner of International Grand Prix and Mr. International.
  • Runner up in Mr. Universe.
  • World-record holder in unequipped power lifting.
  • Lifter of the Year, 2009. (Natural Athlete’s Strength Association)
  • ACSM, NASM, ACE certified



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